

It was noted that Claire Hughes will lead on “Decolonising the curriculum” within the department and that an intern will soon be recruited to assist with that.  Updates were given from the Faculty-level Athena Swan meeting, including the PSS Review, YUSU’s request to include UG reps on the committee and the AS culture survey feedback.

We discussed progressing the use of UB observers throughout the recruitment process and how we will do that.  We agreed the final draft of the “Code of Conduct” to be submitted to DMT for approval.  Further discussions took place on the policy for field trip equality and more work will be done on that. It was agreed that most of the guidance on reducing SSPs was fairly easy to embed and therefore the policy document will be taken to the Teaching Committee for approval.

Thanks were given to Michael Cooper at his last meeting for his service to this committee, before his departure from the university in April.