Staff Newsletter 20 September

Staff Newsletter 20 September

Top Tip of the Week

I highly recommend subscribing to James Clear’s (author of Atomic Habits) weekly newsletter!

The 3-2-1 Newsletter is one of the most popular newsletters in the world. Every Thursday, the latest issue is sent to over 3,000,000 people. Each message includes 3 short ideas from James Clear, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question for you to ponder.

Enter your email and sign up for free right now!

Bonus tip: Watch the Youtube video ‘11 Growth Mindset Strategies: Overcome Your Fix Mindset to Grow as a Person.’

Important Information 

Farewell to Michelle coffee morning - Wed 25 Sep

Our fabulous Student Services Manager, Michelle Barton, departs at the end of the month to start a new role in Economics. Come along to Coffee Morning on Wed 25 Sep, 10:30-11:00 in the Heartspace to wish her farewell. Extra baked goods will be most welcome! 

Good News 

Sam Buckton has had a paper published in The Naturalist: Buckton SJ (2024) The terrestrial flatworm Marionfyfea adventor Jones & Sluys (2016) (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Geoplanidae) new to Yorkshire from St Nicholas Fields LNR, York. The Naturalist 1116, 111-113. Sam was also invited to contribute statements for the International Evaluation Academy's ‘Three Horizons Initiative for Evaluation’ (3HEi) project/survey to help advance deep thinking about the future of the evaluation field in a time of polycrisis.

⭐ On 11th September, Liz Hurrell delivered a presentation titled "Tackling Britain’s Environmental Challenges: a solutions-focused, multidisciplinary, role-play field module" at the Enhancing Fieldwork Learning showcase event. Martin Varley (from Cumbria Connect) and Dean Waters were co-authors on the presentation. Liz has also been elected as a committee member for the RGS-IBG Geography Education Research Group!

Oliver Andrews has been selected to join the CMIP7 author team for Earth Systems. This is the WCRP climate modelling exercise that will run alongside and inform IPCC AR7.

Tom Sloan published apaper from his PhD work in Science of the Total Environment on carbon stocks in afforested peatlands in the Flow Country in northern Scotland. Tom was supervised by the late Richard Payne and Roland Gehrels, who are both co-authors. Tom is now a postdoc at Leeds.

**DEG Email contact list**

Student Services:


If in doubt, send your student-related enquiry here for triage. This is the best address to use if you want to circulate emails to students.


Enquiries relating to undergraduate students


Enquiries relating to postgraduate taught students


Enquiries relating to postgraduate research students


Escalation of issues in the Student Services Team; more complex issues and enquiries relating to students.


Anything related to assessments.

General Admin:


PA support for Roland and departmental staff meetings; anything related to the rest of EGLT, EDC, DMT, staff purchasing, staff events, and the newsletter.



Anything HR-related, including: FlexiLeave issues, sickness absence, probations, leaving the university, redundancy, contract changes, flexible working requests, maternity/paternity leave, inductions, new starters, PDRs, recruitment, GTAs, process improvement, anything wiki-related, staffing report and line management support.

Technical Support:


All general laboratory or technical enquiries.


All health & safety issues, including risk and CoSHH assessments

Other important generic email addresses:


For finance queries.


research-related enquiries, including: pre-award support and advice, guidance on deadlines and internal processes, costing projects, drafting letters of support, consultancy, research strategy, Open Access and PURE, REF.


Enquiries relating to Timetabling (put ‘FAO Caroline’ in the subject line of your email)

Do you have an item to share in our next newsletter?

Great! Add it to the relevant tab on the Research, Teaching, Outreach and Good News Spreadsheet or email it to environment-pa@york.ac.uk by close of play next Thursday.

Thank you for your help in making the newsletter a great way to catch up on all of the Department's latest news and a

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