Staff Newsletter 28 March 2024

Staff Newsletter 28 March 2024

Important Information

Reminder! Funding Announcement: University Internally-distributed Funding (IDF) Spring Call 2024

The Spring 2024 Call for internally-distributed funding applications is now open. The call was launched on 4th March 2024, and funding is available across a wide range of disciplines - full details are available on the website.

Please note the deadline for applications is now 11pm on Tuesday 9 April 2024.

A schedule of future calls is available on the Internally-distributed Funding webpage. 

If you have any questions please email re-internal-funding-team@york.ac.uk.

Departmental Events

There are no Departmental Seminars next week due to the Easter Vacation. Apologies for any disappointment.

Other Events

Second workshop to support interdisciplinary teaching

Date / Time: Thursday 25th April, 11:30 - 13:00

Location: TBC

The second workshop in the Developing a Toolkit for Interdisciplinary Teaching series will take place on Thursday 25th April 11:30am - 1pm and will focus on designing appropriate assessments. In this workshop, we will explore potential difficulties students might experience when doing assessments across different departments. We'll share experiences of assessments used in current interdisciplinary modules and the challenges that may be preventing students from fulfilling their potential. For example, do assessments require knowledge of discipline specific writing styles, do students lack the academic skills to be able to reach their potential in set assessments, and how can we redesign assessments to enable all students on the module to succeed? The workshop will also include presentations from a few colleagues across the university who will share their methods of assessments. This workshop is designed for colleagues currently teaching and/or developing modules taken by students from more than one department. Programme Leads of any interdisciplinary programme are also welcome to attend.

Please note, this session will be in person. The room will be confirmed nearer the time.

To register for this workshop, please complete this registration form. 

If you have any questions, please contact Dr Sally Quinn (sally.quinn@york.ac.uk).

Building interdisciplinary research culture to tackle environmental sustainability challenges: From novice to ninja (aimed at MCRs)

Dates: 9-10 and 22 May, 4, 12 and 26 June, Various locations

Unlock interdisciplinary research for environmental sustainability through a Research England-funded training program at the University of York. Gain new insights, communication skills, and confidence to tackle environmental challenges collaboratively. This 5 session training programme gives you the chance to develop a project, receive mentorship, and pitch for funding, fostering a culture of interdisciplinary excellence.

  • Session 1: 9 and 10 May, coach from University 9 May at 17.00, 10 May full day training session, 09:00 - 16:30, coach return to University

  • Session 2: 22 May, University of York, 09:00 - 13.30

  • Session 3, 4 June, University of York, 09:00 - 13.30

  • Session 4, 12 June, University of York, 09:00 - 13.30

  • Session 5, 26 June, The Guildhall, York, 09:00 - 13.30: “Dragons’ Den” style pitching session with special guest Dragons to secure priming funds for your proposal  

Learn more and apply nowApply by: Fri 19 April, 2024, to secure your spot. 

Introducing... STEMMing the Leaky Pipeline

A small group of us in chemistry have started a group called STEMMing the Leaky Pipeline, in which we hope to bring together postgrads and staff that have been affected by the Leaky Pipeline Effect to socialise and create an environment for people to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences. Through this we are also running seminars and "Coffee and Conversation with..." sessions with staff (especially those affected by the Leaky Pipeline Effect) from across the different STEMM departments to highlight their career paths and their experiences throughout. These events are run in an informal interview style with open discussion. So far these events have been a great success in Chemistry and have really built some momentum, we’re really keen to involve other departments across the University. If anyone would like to join our committee, help us spread the word across other departments or participate as a speaker we would love to have you. Feel free to drop an email to (lat531@york.ac.uk)

For further information on the leaky pipeline and some of the publications that inspired the group see links below:


Frontiers | What makes the pipeline leak? Women’s gender-based rejection sensitivity and men’s hostile sexism as predictors of expectations of success for their own and the respective other gender group


Our Upcoming event: STEMMing the Leaky Pipeline

Date / Time: Wednesday 3rd April, 13:00 - 14:00

Location: Chemistry C/B/101

Coffee and Conversation with....

Guest: Professor Lucy Carpenter

The STEMMing the Leaky Pipeline group are pleased to announce their next event in their monthly series of "Coffee and Conversation with..." for PG students and Staff affected by the Leaky Pipeline Effect. We’re very excited to have Professor Lucy Carpenter as our guest to discuss balancing her research career with scientific leadership roles, alongside working part-time and raising children.

Any questions please feel free to drop an email to Lucy (lat531@york.ac.uk)

Webinar: producing biohydrogen for the UK transport sector

Date / Time: 25th April, 10:00 - 12:00

Location: Online

Join H2Boost partners on 25th April, 10-12pm, online as they research a commercially viable and sustainable process for producing biohydrogen. During this webinar academic and industrial partners will give an overview of ambitions and outputs. A Q&A session will provide an opportunity for participants to engage with experts and gain deeper insights into our objectives, methodologies, and potential impact. Click here to register!

Dissertation survey

Please help one of our students by filling in their dissertation survey on shark conservation.

Click here to take the short survey.

Good News and Media Engagement

Jake Spong gave a 12 minute talk at the Nordic Oikos 2024 conference on the first project of his PhD, featuring flying crochet micrarthropods and mesofauna!

Andy Dougill is a co-author on a paper in Nature Communications on 'Challenges and ways forward for sustainable weather and climate services in Africa' - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-46742-6

As a co-lead of the AFN Network, Sarah Bridle ran a two day workshop in Sheffield, facilitating sessions that brought together nearly 200 people (researchers, business leaders, policy-makers and voluntary organisations working to change in the agri-food system) to identify priorities for research in relation to agri-food's transtion towards net zero. Sarah was also interviewed on the Sustainable(ish) podcast about food and climate change. Click here to listen! And finally, Sarah chaired a panel discussion on Food Production and Consumption as part of the University of York's Sustainability Week 2024. Click here to watch!

Congratulations to Toby Carter who has had his second thesis paper published on the impact of indoor cooking and cleaning on outdoor air quality: Indoor cooking and cleaning as a source of outdoor air pollution in urban environments

Congratulations to Jun Li who has had the second paper coming out of the Syngenta funded Wormeries project funded. This one reviews and evaluates existing models that estimate bio-concentration of organic chemicals in earthworms.

Got an item to share in our next newsletter?

Great! Please add it to the Research, Teaching, Outreach and Good News Spreadsheet. Please use the most relevant tab for the activity/news and ensure that the description details are written out in full as you would like it to be presented. If your item does not fit the spreadsheet, please email it to environment-pa@york.ac.uk by 12:00 next Thursday.

Thank you for your help in making the newsletter a great way to catch up on all of the Department's latest news and activities


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