Staff Newsletter 11 August 2023
Afternoon all, I hope you're making the most of the lovely sunny weather! 🌞Fingers crossed it carries on for the weekend...
Lucy Orange - Admin Manager (on behalf of Annabel, who is on leave today)
Top Tip 💡
Updating the University's Environment & Geography website
If any member of staff has an accountability as part of their job that appears on the Environment & Geography website then that member of staff is responsible for updating the relevant page/s.
To do this simply fill out this form to update the area you are responsible for on the website. Requests will be sent through to the appropriate team either in Marketing (MRAO) or Communications, who will reply to you directly.
More information can be found on the relevant Wiki page.
Do you have an idea for a 'Top Tip' in a future newsletter?
Please do send your text/wording (written out in full as you would like it to be presented in the newsletter) across to Annabel at and she will happily include this is in a future newsletter
DOI Creation Service
The Library has launched a service to create DOIs for University-produced resources which are published via either the University website or White Rose Research Online repository. DOIs enable links to resources to be maintained long term and facilitate citation. The service is particularly suitable for reports and other ‘grey literature’ which are not eligible to be assigned a DOI by another organisation (e.g. a publisher). For more information and to request a DOI, please visit the DOI service web page.
BES Aquatic Group annual meeting
The BES Aquatic Group annual meeting will be held at the University of Lancaster on September 18th & 19th.
More information on the BES Aquatic group meeting can be found here.
Congratulations to Lauren Rawlins who had an extremely successful viva on Monday 7th August. Internal examiner was Jon Hill, external examiner was Chris Stokes (Durham). She has the most minor of minor corrections to make. Very well done Lauren.
Congratulations to Oliver Wilson as the University of York issued a press release about Oli's new paper in the Journal of Applied Ecology: 'UK habitats to be impacted by exposure to climate change - but some more than others'
Congratulations to Sarah Bridle and Joanne Craven who gave a presentation at Transformatons 2023, at Univeresity of Technology Sydney in July: "Food system transformation: Identifying partnerships through stakeholder assessment."
Congratulations to Christopher Lyon who has been very busy with the following:
- gave a talk in July at Transformations 2023, Univeristy of Technology Sydney, titled, "Exploring the potential multi-century or longer projections of environmental change for sustainability transformations".
- participated in a one-day workshop "The Inhuman in the Human: Laws for the Anthropocene", Latrobe University Law School, Melbourne. Dr Emille Boulot, University of Tasmania, a speaker at the workshop, intends tol visit York in November to give a seminar and meet with staff and students. Details to be announced.
- gave a talk titled "Long-term futures and rewilding in the Anthropocene" as part of a larger and well-attended University of York session chaired by DEG's Dr. Hanna Pettersson, at the International Congress for Conservation Biology in Kigali, Rwanda, in July.
Congratulations to Lindsay Stringer who features in a new book by Kian Mau Goh entitled Research methodology in the bioscience and biotechnology, published by Springer. Lindsay's contribution is on the importance of social science research and social science approaches.
Congratulations to Jasper Kenter and Elaine Azzopardi for their research featured on BBC York Radio.
Congratulations to Alistair Boxall who was quoted in an article in the New Scientist: 'Mass fish deaths will occur more often in rivers as UK gets hotter'.
Recruitment of three IMRY Associate Directors
IMRY are seeking to appoint three Associate Directors from across the three Faculties (Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities) to join their leadership team.
This is an internal appointment for existing members of staff on a substantive Professorial post, who will be bought out at a 0.2WTE commitment for a fixed term until August 2024, with the view to a further 2-year extension. A full job description can be found below.
Colleagues are invited to submit a full CV and a 2-page statement of intent detailing their potential contribution to IMRY and how they will engage their Faculty to support IMRY’s work.
Please email your application to
Deadline: 31 August 2023
Interviews will likely be held mid-September.
If you have any questions, please contact Professor Lina Gega, Director of IMRY at
The Biodiversity Futures Initiative
The Biodiversity Futures Initiative is a non profit academic review body designed to verify claims for biodiversity gain.
We are writing to as many individuals and organisations as possible worldwide that are involved in academic research or biodiversity conservation to ask if they or any of their contacts might be interested in the paid contract positions we are advertising on the Biodiversity Futures Initiative website.
These are all part time posts but for the Core Review Team we are looking for 5- 6 people who will have regular part time contract work offered as applications are received. This team will be involved in all the applications to ensure consistency between reviews. For the Panel of Academic Experts we are looking for 50 - 70 experts worldwide with differing specialisms in ecoregions, habitats or taxa. Individuals on this Panel will be called upon much less frequently, but will be consulted when applications for their areas of expertise are received.
The deadline for the Core Review Team applications is 31 August 2023, and for the Panel of Academic Specialists, the deadline is 30 September 2023, and we're really appreciate it if you would forward this email to any of your team or collaborators that might be interested in these part time posts.
The Biodiversity Futures Initiative Team
Call for Early Career Researchers: training to produce a Research Evidence Synthesis paper that informs policy.
The York Policy Engine (TYPE) is offering a unique opportunity to be trained in Research Evidence Synthesis. Leading evidence synthesis experts, Professor Eric Jensen and Professor Mark Reed, will provide training in specialist evidence synthesis techniques and in the production of policy briefs, supporting application of these techniques to real world policy problems.
The opportunity includes an 8 week online programme (October - December 2023), with between 1.5 to 3 hours of training per week. Policy topics will be identified by our Y-PERN (Yorkshire and Humber Policy and Engagement Research Network) partners and wider national policy contacts, who will consider the resulting briefings in their policy development. This unique opportunity for training and publication is limited to a small number of staff at the University of York.
Please see here for more information and how to apply. The deadline for applications is Tuesday 29th August.
The WUN Research Development Fund is now open
The Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) is a world-leading research university network, tackling global challenges through international collaboration. The Research Development Fund provides grants of up to £10,000 to foster research collaborations among academic staff members at WUN universities.
This year, the call prioritises the following areas of research:
1. Social justice and human rights; inequality
2. Sustainable world: cities and urbanization; energy transitions; water, and food security
3. Mental health; child and maternal health; ageing
4. Responsible and ethical applications of Artificial Intelligence
Please find all guidance for the call here and don't hesitate to contact Elisha (, York's WUN Coordinator, who can provide advice on eligibility, preparing the application, identifying collaborators in the network, and the internal review process.
Commissioned Research Opportunity
To support the building of our evidence and case to secure a participatory approach for individual policy making and/or local decision making, Poverty2Solutions is looking to commission a distinctive, original piece of research which will Identify the value and key principles associated with adopting a participatory approach to policy making.
Poverty2Solutions are seeking expressions of interest initially, and will interview shortlisted candidates. Please note that the selection process will involve people with the expertise that comes with experiences of poverty and social security receipt.
Deadline for expression of interest is Friday 15th September. Expressions of interest can be via a PPT presentation or text document.
Selection interviews will be held week commencing 25th September.
Full details of this opportunity can be requested through the Research Support team ( If you have any questions please email:
Future opportunity - Stacking of nature market credits
Defra recently published a Prior Information Notice (PIN) regarding the research requirement “Stacking of nature market credits”.
The contract is estimated to be published for open competition in mid-August.
This project will seek to provide Defra with an understanding of the empirical theory and evidence on stacking in nature markets and provide insight into the impact of different stacking models on economic, environmental, and wider social outcomes.
If you are interested in making an application to this tender, please contact research support (
Great! Please add it to the Research, Teaching, Outreach and Good News Spreadsheet. Please use the most relevant tab for the activity/news and ensure that the description details are written out in full as you would like it to be presented. If your item does not fit the spreadsheet, please email it to by 10:00 next Friday.
Thank you for your help in making the newsletter a great way to catch up on all of the Department's latest news and activities 🙂