📰 Staff Newsletter 23 February 2024

📰 Staff Newsletter 23 February 2024

Important Information

Changes to requesting software

If you’re using a University managed Windows device and need to download software not available on the Software Centre, from Thursday 22 February you will be asked to complete the short ‘Software Installation Request’ form.  Please note that if you are a High Privilege user, this change will not affect you or your installation permissions. 

Once you have confirmed that the software, or an appropriate alternative is not available in the Software Centre, you will need to fill in a few details in the form to request the software you want to be installed. The information submitted here will be sent to the IT Support team to review. 

If approved, IT Support will provide a response code for you to enter in a pop up on your screen and you will be able to download the software. 

This replaces the previous process of emailing a screenshot to IT Support to obtain a response code and will speed up approval requests for software. IT Support aims to complete software requests within 5 working days.

If you have any questions about this change please contact IT Support (itsupport@york.ac.uk). 


Purchase card payments


If you need a one-off item/service purchasing via a departmental purchase card, please email the relevant contact:

Please send proof of approval from the budget holder, as well as the workorder. For all purchases on a core workorder over £1k, these also need to be approved by Lucy at environment-dhfo@york.ac.uk.

Please make sure you read the University's purchasing guidance ahead of your request.



Departmental Events

DEG Seminar

Date / Time: Tuesday 27th February at 12:05

Location: Hybrid/in-person (ENV/005 and Zoom - Zoom link)

Speaker: Abi Perrin - invited by our very own HoD, Prof Roland Gehrels.


From publications to public actions: A scientist's journey into climate action



Abi started a research career in 2010 with a PhD at the University of Cambridge and a postdoctoral position at the Francis Crick Institute, both studying the biology of malaria parasites. Reading the IPCC special report on Global Warming of 1.5°C in 2018 was a catalyst for Abi to start reorienting her life and ambitions towards confronting the Climate and Ecological Emergencies. This involved joining social movements and advocacy groups as well as changing research field and joining the University of York. Since joining the University in 2021, she has tried to balance scientific research with an increasing range of education, communication, political engagement, network building and protest actions related to climate and environmental justice. In her talk, she asks the question: ‘What is the role of scientists and academics as the world faces escalating and intersecting climate, ecological and societal crises’? She will share her personal journey exploring different forms of action, advocacy and activism alongside a scientific research career.


Click here to watch last week's DEG Seminar! Passcode: tcMN#C6d

Sustainability Seminar

Date / Time: Wednesday 28th February at 12:05

Location: Zoom

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Speakers: Kaitline Eames & Abigail Dangerfield

Title: An Introduction to Ørsted and the Offshore Wind Sector.

Summary: In this seminar we will give an overview of the work that we do at Ørsted UK, the offshore wind sector, including the UK consenting process, and our biodiversity projects ranging from the Humber Estuary seascape restoration; 3D printed reefs in Anholt; and growing coral on offshore jacket foundations in Taiwan.


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International Women’s Day celebrations!


Click here to sign up for a session of inspiring talks on Tuesday 5th March! “Beyond the Norm: Narratives of Academic Achievement Amidst Challenges." The session will be chaired by the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Enterprise, Partnerships & Engagement, Prof Kiran Trehan. Prof Sarah West will be sharing her unconventional journey to becoming a professor and Dr Karen Parkhill will be sharing her inspiring story of triumph. Reserve your spot by next Wednesday and be part of this empowering event!







Potluck lunch - save the date.PNG


Click here to sign up for our International Potluck lunch on Fri 8th March between 12pm and 2pm in the Environment building’s foyer!

Please join us and bring something delicious, either sweet or savoury, that represents you/your culture!

We hope to see you all there

Sustainability Week - Plant and book swap on Wednesday 6th March!

For Sustainability Week (4-8 March) the Green Impact Labs Team is bringing back the now-legendary 🌻🌱Plant Swap! Anything from house plant cuttings to vegetable seeds and seedlings! So if you’ve been over-exuberant with your planting, please bring your spares and pick up something new! We’ll be in the foyer 1-3pm on Wednesday 6th March.

Donations of plant pots are welcome anytime! 

We are also launching our 📚Non-Academic Book Swap (please save any academic texts for Nic’s charity sale later in the year). If you have any donations to start the ball rolling, please drop them off in the foyer, with a note or at the technical office. 

Many thanks!

Job Opportunities

Recruiting G6 / PhD person for podcasting project

The IGDC (Interdisciplinary Glocal Development Centre) is seeking a current or recently completed PhD student to undertake grant-funded work on a new podcast series on decolonising global development research, in partnerhsip with the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (UFBA). Please click here for more information.

Closing date: Monday 4th March 2024.

Good News and Media Engagement

Richard Friend co-facilitated a multi-stakeholder dialogue addressing challenges of water quality in the Mae Klong River Basin Thailand, as part of the collaborative Worldwide Universities Network project with Mahidol University - Participatory Water Quality Monitoring for Sustainable Development.

Josh Kirshner wrote a blog post on 'Fieldwork visits to Feira Internacional de Maputo (FACIM) 2023 and related urban energy sites' for the UKRI CESET project. Click here to read!

Sam Buckton has been elected a Fellow on the COBALT (Collaborative for Bioregional Action Learning & Transformation) programme, which supports bioregioning and transformative systems change towards regenerative futures in several bioregions around the world. Sam will be working with programme leader Glenn Page on a developmental evaluation of the Tayside bioregion and the COBALT programme as a whole, complementing his PhD work on transformational evaluation.

The MSc Environmental Sustainability Education and Communication (joint programme with Department of Education) successfully applied for Institution of Environmental Sciences accreditation. Well done to Naomi Holmes!

Research Opportunities and Updates

2024 Sociology PGR Conference - Call for Papers

The Postgraduate Research community from the Department of Sociology at the University of York is delighted to invite you to our annual PGR Conference which will be held on Thursday 13th June 2024. This year’s theme will be ‘Bodies in the Making: Identity, Culture and Society’ and our keynote address will be delivered by Professor Colin Barnes, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Disability Studies from the School of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds. 

Click here to read more!

ResearchFish Submission Period

The Submission Period for UKRI Research Outcomes closes at 1400 (GMT) on 14th March 2024. Grant holders are required to submit within this period.

All PIs were emailed by UKRI at the end of January with advance notice and guidance regarding the 2024 submission period. PIs will receive a mid-submission period email reminder directly from UKRI on 5th March, if they have not already made a submission by this point.

PIs are responsible for their own submission and in the spirit of not duplicating and clogging up email inboxes they will not receive additional reminders from University support staff during this period. Please note that funders will apply sanctions for non submissions.

The Research Operations Hub, will be keeping track of submissions during the period and highlighting any areas of concern to Heads of Faculty Research Operations (HoFROs), who will in turn liaise with Departments (CDRCs) if required. Towards the end of the period a submission summary will be provided to HoFROs for follow up where necessary.

If you have any queries please email research-operations-hub@york.ac.uk.

Worktribe Downtime

Worktribe is being upgraded on Tuesday 27 February between 18:00 - 20:00. The system will be unavailable during that time.

You can keep up to date with details of the release on our wiki pages.

If you have any questions please do get in touch with Research Systems by emailing worktribe-support@york.ac.uk.

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