We have one small meeting room (ENV/032) on the ground floor available to book on an hourly basis for small, private meetings. The room is bookable through this office booking sheet.
If you have booked to use this room and no longer need your booking, please remember to remove your name from the sheet. We are very limited on private meeting spaces, so want to make sure this space is utilised properly.
Message from Matthias Ruth, PVCR
On Monday 19th February, we advertised for the post of Dean of the York Graduate Research School. This is a key strategic role within the organisation, with a vital part to play in delivering the research strategy and supporting research across the institution. I wanted to draw the advert to your attention so that you are aware and for you to disseminate as appropriate.
We are very grateful to Kate Arnold for her leadership and will honour her contributions to the PGR community in due course.