📰 Staff Newsletter 22nd March 2024
Important Information
Updated Accountability Structure
Please click here to view the department's updated Accountability Structure (log-in required), which outlines the areas for which each member of our Leadership team is accountable.
Having a clear structure which divides responsibilities between the team allows us to be more efficient, agile and proactive. It also helps to ensure that the roles within EGLT are transparent and can be clearly understood by the department, by our wider UoY community and by our external partners.
Alternatively, you can click here to view a PDF version of the updated Accountability Structure.
Our Accountability Structure remains a work in progress and if you have any feedback or questions, please email environment-pa@york.ac.uk.
Semester Timetable for future years
For those that are interested, please click here to view the semester timetable for future years.
Departmental Events
There are no Departmental Seminars next week due to the Easter Vacation. Apologies for any disappointment.
Other Events
York Science Communication Socials Returns! Wed 10 April
Date / Time: Wednesday 10th April, from 18:00
Location: House of Trembling Madness on Lendal.
Returning after a Covid-induced Hiatus the York Science Communication Socials are a relaxed environment for those with an interest in engaging the public in science to meet, make friends, and network.
This is open to both people within the university and those outside it. The next event will be held on Wednesday 10th April from 18:00 onwards at the House of Trembling Madness on Lendal.
You can use any of the following to be notified about upcoming events:
Facebook: York SciComm | Facebook 𝕏 (Formerly Twitter): https://www.twitter.com/yorkscicomm
Event Notification Mailing List Sign-Up: https://forms.gle/JWihqyPKBoPtmTok8
For more information please contact James at James.lees@york.ac.uk
Dissertation survey
Please help one of our UG students by filling in their dissertation survey on the adoption of renewable energy.
Click here to take the short survey.
Good News and Media Engagement
Naomi Holmes is co-author of a paper titled 'Post-little ice age glacial geomorphology of contrasting topographic settings at Skálafellsjökull, southeast Iceland' led by Sheffield Hallam PhD student Sarah Walton, published in Journal of Maps. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Elaine Azzopardi whose paper published in People and Nature last year is within the top ten most downloaded of the journal! The full paper is entitled ‘What are heritage values? Integrating natural and cultural heritage into environmental valuation.'
Andy Dougill is a co-author on a review paper with authors linked to the ARUA Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Food Systems on 'Reorienting research investments toward under-researched crops for sustainable food systems'
Josh Kirshner gave a departmental seminar in the Sociology Department at UoY this week. The talk was titled 'Corridors as empty signifiers: the entanglement of Mozambique’s colonial past and present in its development corridors,' and was based on a recent paper on the topic.
Congratulations to Lindsay Stringer who is a co-author on a new paper published in PLOS One: Akhtar-Schuster M, Stringer LC, Barger N 2024. Fast-tracking action on the Sustainable Development Goals by enhancing national institutional arrangements.
Mark Hodson and colleagues have been awarded a 2 year research grant from the Leverhulme Trust that will pay for a two year PDRA at York and 1 year PDRAs at Leeds and Liverpool to investigate the impacts of increased rates of flooding on earthworm diversity. More specifically they will investigate soil water cotents at which earthworms start to avoid soil and inter-species and -population differences between earthworms and earthworm cocoons in tolerance of oxygen depletion in soil due to flooding. Outputs should include earthworm hazard maps due to climate change-related increased rates of flooding around the UK.
On 26 February, Sam Buckton and Ioan Fazey held a meeting with Colin Nott (Namibia Resource Consultants) to offer advice for a 'national regenerative program' for the three main farmers' unions in Namibia (to which Colin is technical advisor) to support a transition to regenerative agriculture in the country. Colin requested advice after reading the paper on regenerative systems by Sam and colleagues.
On 20 March, Sam Buckton gave an invited talk to the Complex Systems, Big Data and Informatics Initiative research centre at Lincoln University (New Zealand) about his research on regenerative social-ecological systems.
On 20th March, Felicia Liu gave a guest lecture at The Bartlett School of Planning on green FinTech and stewarding sustainable transitions of data centre infrastructures.
Naomi Holmes has been awarded funding by the RGS (with IBG) Ray Y Gildea Jr Award for the project 'Building inclusivity and accessibility into your fieldwork'. The project team comprises: Georgia Ramsay (UoY Education), Lynda Yorke (Bangor University) and Chloe Searle (Independent Field Studies Tutor).
Research Opportunities and Updates
Calling all Social Sciences researchers!
All researchers in the Faculty of Social Sciences are welcome to register for our upcoming partnership development workshop: 'Bridging Boundaries: Fostering Partnerships for Researchers in the Social Sciences'. Kindly supported by Professor Kiran Trehan, the workshop will bring together practitioners from education, government and industry to discuss approaches to building impactful and sustainable partnerships to support your research.
This will be a great opportunity to hear from expert speakers, develop your networks, and share best practice with colleagues across the Faculty.
The workshop is taking place on Monday 13th May between 10am - 1pm at the Guildhall, and you can register to attend here. More details about the workshop are included in our promotional video.
Please contact gul.dag@york.ac.uk if you have any queries about this workshop.
Got an item to share in our next newsletter?
Great! Please add it to the Research, Teaching, Outreach and Good News Spreadsheet. Please use the most relevant tab for the activity/news and ensure that the description details are written out in full as you would like it to be presented. If your item does not fit the spreadsheet, please email it to environment-pa@york.ac.uk by 12:00 next Thursday.
Thank you for your help in making the newsletter a great way to catch up on all of the Department's latest news and activities