Highlights - Use of Taxi and External Travel Providers

Highlights - Use of Taxi and External Travel Providers

Taxis (including Uber and similar services):

The University expects staff to use public transport wherever practicable but will permit the use of taxis under the following circumstances:

- if sometimes you need to work late i.e. 9pm or later (time specified by HMRC)

- if your business trip has an early start or late return and there is only very limited public transport available at that time

- if you are in an area where there is no public transport

- if you need to travel in an unsafe area - if there is a need to transport heavy / bulky equipment - if travelling as a group and a taxi costs less overall than 4 separate tickets for trains, buses etc. 

Please obtain a receipt and include the reason on the claim form.

Arranging Travel

The University strongly recommends booking with the contracted travel suppliers (NYS / Selective / Enterprise rent a car). They can usually match internet prices and have an out of hours helpline if you have any problems while travelling. 
The contracted suppliers will invoice the University directly for the cost, once you provide them with the Work Order number.

You may book directly with an alternative supplier if this is better value for money than using the contracted suppliers. However, any problems such as cancelled/missed flights or rejected hotel reservations are your own responsibility to resolve. 

You have to wait after the event/trip to claim back your travel booking expenses in case you can't go for any reason.

When travelling overseas on University business, staff must take out University of York business travel insurance for the trip. To obtain cover, you must complete the University's Travel Log once your booking has been confirmed and at least four weeks in advance ideally.   

You don’t need travel insurance for UK trips unless you are flying or staying overnight and want to cover personal possessions, money or business equipment e.g. laptops.  

Remember: it is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with this policy. The University assumes no obligation to reimburse costs that are not allowed.   

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