Cash Advance - When and How
Cash Advance - When and How
- Full regulation can be accessed here HERE (click on "How to apply for overseas travel cash advance") or refer to the summary below.
- Cash advance forms can be downloaded from Google Disk.
- Personal safety: University travel insurance only covers up to £1,000 in cash. If you require a higher limit for a specific trip (e.g. in some African countries payment can be by cash only) please contact the insurance team via insurance-enquiries@york.ac.uk. The limit increase should also be documented in your travel risk assessment including security measures you will take when you are carrying cash. This is the reason why we recommend keeping cash to a minimum and paying advances into your bank account instead so you can draw this out in smaller amounts or pay for business items using your bank card. We recognise that this will incur some charges, but these will be covered by the advance. We also understand this is not always possible ( remote locations) so please be safe.
- Applied only to overseas travel.
- Cost you foreseen is at least £250 or more.
- You must make an estimate of the costs to be able to apply for the cash advance.
- You must book the main accommodation and travel from and to UK with our preferred suppliers.
- Can be used for the internal travel if remote location for example or for subsistence, taxes and the usual items you would claim on expense claims.
- The cash will be paid into your UK bank account - you can draw this out in smaller amounts or pay for business items using your bank card. We recognise that this will incur some charges, but these will be covered by the advance.
- We do not provide foreign currency or cash.
- You will need to account for expenditure against your advance when you return, so keep receipts for all expenditure incurred.
- The advance must not be used for any personal expenditure.
- You need to give a minimum of seven days notice (preferably longer) before your trip, so that we can make payment into your bank account.
- Please consider your personal safety when transacting overseas and drawing cash out. We recommend keeping cash to a minimum. University travel insurance only covers up to £1,000 in cash. If you require a higher limit for a specific trip, contact the insurance team via insurance-enquiries@york.ac.uk. The limit increase should be documented in your travel risk assessment, including security measures you will take when carrying cash.
- Our insurers (via +44 (0)1243 621556) can arrange for an emergency cash advance to replace cash which has been lost or stolen overseas. Any emergency funds provided will be deducted from any subsequent claim, or must be refunded to the University.
- We need a minimum of 5 working days to be able to process and pay on your bank account, if you required currency please allow more time.
Fill all the GREEN boxes with the details of the travel. It includes:
- Start date and end date.
- Destination and why you need a cash advance.
- Amount required to be paid directly into applicants bank account.
- Work order.
- Both confirmations:
- "I confirm I have completed the University's Travel Log (https://www.york.ac.uk/univ/mis/cfm/travellog/) to obtain business travel insurance for the trip (please tick)"
- "I confirm that I will submit receipts for this advance within 4 weeks of the trip. If I do not submit receipts then I will repay this advance in full (please tick)"
- Signature and date.
Once it is completes send it to Finance at environment-finance@york.ac.uk OR sei-finance@york.ac.uk, with:
- The email from your budget holder authorising it.
- Spreadsheet with breakdown of expected costs to support your request.
- You will keep all the receipts and the receipts record form updated (save the receipts in a google folder and number them separately to correspond with the entries in the cash advance receipt record table).
- You have 4 weeks to return the receipts and the log form to your finance officer from date of return ( email to Environment-finance@york.ac.uk OR sei-finance@york.ac.uk )
- If you overspent please send on a different email an expense claim, once your cash advance has been reconciled, with the related receipts for the surplus money only. See how to fill an Expenses claim HERE
- In case of an overspend please keep the cash advance and the Expenses claim receipts separate.
- If you spent less than what requested let me know and once I have checked all the receipts I will give you the details and the final amount to be paid back via bank transfer.
- If you have foreign currency, from cash advance for example, please exchange it back to GBP only if you have a the receipts of the currency converter. Once I have checked the receipts and the receipts record form I will give you all the details for the payment (if necessary).
For any queries please email Environment or SEIY inbox.
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