Booking Travel with Preferred Suppliers

Booking Travel with Preferred Suppliers

Register as a user

To register with NYS/Agiito please contact one of the travel reps - Dave Hay at dave.hay@york.ac.uk or Maja Mackowska at environment-finance@york.ac.uk - to request this. Please send them your title, plus your full name, exactly as this appears on your passport.

To register with Selective Travel, please visit the Selective Travel Homepage and click on 'Login'. Please complete a User Profile - any mandatory fields are marked *. Tick the box at the end to confirm all details are correct and 'Save'. Once you've done this, please email E&G travel reps to get access to the online booking tool.

Visit the University's website for more information.

Flight - Buses - Hotels 
You can book you travel through Selective or NYS via their website or by emailing them:

Please state your full itinerary and all you need to book in one go as if you book air and hotel together, for example, the University will only pay the fee for one item.

If you have an invited speaker/guest please book the travel for them as this is a better way to manage your money.
Once you are happy with your booking please give them the below info:

Title -  
1st name –
Middle name(s) –
Surname –
DOB/Nationality –
Email address for the traveller(s) –
Department Name -
Workorder number -
Trip reason  (to choose from the below depending on Workorder number)  - 
(1)    Business trip- University Funded
(2)    Business Trip- ERDF Funded
(3)    Research Trip- EPSRC Funded
(4)    Research Trip- Other Funding Body
(5)    Part business / part vacation
(6)    External Examiner
(7)    Invited Speaker

Keep hold of the quote and confirmation as I will ask to confirm the invoice before sending it out for payment.

Make sure to stay within these limits in regard to meals and accommodation. If your booking is above the limits please have a chat with the budget holder and Finance Team before committing to the booking. 

Train tickets:
If the journey is particularly difficult I suggest to ask the supplier to book it for you  (follow the above instructions)  otherwise you can book your own train ticket via the NYS or Selective online portal and collect it on campus free of charge.
The ticket(s) can either be printed for free in person at the Information Centre, Heslington Hall or in Electronic Engineering Department - or at the station as ticket on departure at a cost of £2.50.  

Car Hire:
The University preferred supplier is Enterprise.
All staff who drive on university business must first register as an Authorised DriverIf you need to hire a vehicle and will be driving it yourself, please complete and submit the Authorised Driver form and DVLA licence summary on the University’s Health, Safety and Security website.

If you don't have the log in please contact your Travel Rep (info below) and they will generate the log in for you.

Environment & Geography: Dave Hay dave.hay@york.ac.uk 
SEIY: Emma Holland sei-admin-manager@york.ac.uk

Booking Fees:

Full breakdown of booking fees can be found here.

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