Setting Agresso Substitutes for Approvals/Tasks

Setting Agresso Substitutes for Approvals/Tasks

The department has experienced some issues where substitutes had not been set up in Agresso when approvers were taking annual leave. This causes problems because orders don’t get approved and just sit in notifications until the member of staff returns.

Here’s links for how to set substitute(s) up

If you haven't used substitutes before, you'll need to contact finance-systems@york.ac.uk and request they add your nominated member(s) of staff to your account.

When you log into Agresso at the top left the first tab says "Employment" and underneath that it says "activate your substitutes".

Login Screen
Agresso uses Single Sign-On.  Login with your own credentials, using your own University IT User Name
and Password, and example is shown below:

Nb. Domain defaults to ITSYORK,
If you forget your IT password, please visit the York Identity Manager at My IT Account online to manage
your password and follow the instructions to reset it yourself, or use the IT Services Helpdesk.

Once logged-in, each user will see the menu items appropriate for their Agresso role(s).

Screen Navigation

On successful login, Agresso Web shows the main Unit 4 Agresso Web menus screen.
Navigate to Your employment and select Activate your substitutes:

Set your Substitute
In the Activate your substitutes screen, please enter all relevant info, an example is shown below:

  • Set your Absence status
  • Set your Absence date from
  • Set your Absence date to
  • Set Element type to General
  • Select your Substitute from the names on the dropdown list
  • Click Save  Agresso Web confirms if changes are saved 

Nb. If there are no substitutes listed, please email finance-systems@york.ac.uk to request one.
We require the Name and the User Id of your substitute(s) to add to your substitutes list in Agresso.
Nb. Substitutes must already be an Agresso user.

To Log-out of Agresso Web
Click Logout to leave the Agresso Web session and close your browser.

For any queries please email Environment or SEIY inbox and I will be more than happy to help