Using our Selective travel agency to book trains, planes and accommodation
This process is for academic staff, PDRAs and PGR students with studentships (AC/AD workorder codes). Self-funded PGR students wishing to use their departmentally-provided RTSG must book via Rachel at
- Go to: the Selective travel website and click on 'Login'
- Enter your University of York login details and authenticate via Duo 2FA
- You will enter the Selective 'Hub'.
- You will be directed to complete a User Profile. Mandatory fields are marked with an * (Name, Email Address, Date of Birth, Nationality, Department, Contact Number for emergencies). Please tick the box to confirm all details are correct at the end and 'Save'
- Once you've done this, please email your Departmental Travel Rep ( to request access to the online booking tool. We don't allow access to the tool by default - we need to check you are authorised to book travel against a university workorder.
- If your travel rep agrees that you are allowed to book travel, they will forward your request for access to
- The Business Travel team will grant you access to the tool and confirm this has been done.
- You will then be able to login to the Selective Hub and click on the 'Online Booking Tool' or 'Rail' tile to make online bookings.
All user profiles have been transferred from the old tool to the new one. If you had permission to book travel using the previous tool, this is the same for the new tool. Please login as follows:
- Go to: the Selective travel website and click on 'Login'
- Enter your University of York login details and authenticate via Duo 2FA
- You will enter the Selective 'Hub'.
- Some users will be directed to their User Profile if there are any mandatory fields missing. Mandatory fields are marked with an * (Name, Email Address, Date of Birth, Nationality, Department, Contact Number for emergencies). Please tick the box to confirm all details are correct at the end and 'Save'. If you are not directed to your Profile, all mandatory fields are complete.
If / when the User Profile is complete, you will be able to click on the 'Online Booking Tool' or 'Rail' tile to make online bookings.