Application Data Terms and Definitions

Application Data Terms and Definitions


This page lists and defines the key data terms used across the Application Dashboard suite of Tableau workbooks.

Data Terms contained in the Application workbooks


The below definitions have been agreed upon with SRA and are used throughout the applications data set. For the purposes of theses definitions a Potential Student is defined as any person who has had a official interaction with the University of York applications and admissions process. From a technical standpoint this is defined as any person who has a record in the CAPS table of the SITS database.

NB see also recent changes to definitions (below)


Business Definition

Technical Definition


A recorded instance of a Potential Student applying for a place on a Programme at the University of York (that is not due to a miscoding).

A CAPS record where the Status Code is not like 'Z%'

WithdrawalAn Application that has been withdrawn by the Potential Student.A record where the Status Code  is not like 'Z%' and like 'W%'
Live ApplicationAn Application which is not a Withdrawal; not invalidated due to the Potential Student firmly accepting an Unconditional offer for another Programme either at York or another institution; and not superseded by a replacement/adjusted application record.

A CAPS record where the Status Code is like 'A%'


An Application that has led to a Potential Student being offered a Conditional or Unconditional place at the University of York.

It is worth noting that, though this offer may later be rescinded or turned down, these offers will still be included. This field records the fact that the Offer was made, not that the offer is currently live (see Live Offer).

A record where the Status Code is not like 'Z%' and the Decision/Response Code is like '%C%' or like '%U%'
Live Offer

An Application that resulted in the Potential Student currently holding a Conditional or Unconditional offer for a Programme at the University of York.

Unlike the above Offer definition this will not include offers that have been subsequently rescinded or turned down. As such offers will be excluded where they have been Declined or Rejected, or the Application has been Withdrawn, or the Potential Student has firmly accepted an Unconditional offer for another programme either at York or another institution.

A record where the Status Code is not like 'Z%' not like 'W%' and not like 'UF%' and the Decision/Response Code is not like '%D', not like '%R%' and (like '%C%' or like '%U%')

Pending Offer Decision

Live Application for which the University has neither made a Conditional or Unconditional Offer, nor Rejected the Application.

A record where the Status Code is like 'A%' the Decision/Response Code is NULL

Offer Decision MadeAn Application for which the University has either made a Conditional or Unconditional Offer, or Rejected the Application.A record where the Status Code is not like 'Z%' and the Decision/Response Code is like '%C%' or like '%U%' or like '%R%'
Firm Acceptance

Live Offer which the Potential Student has subsequently firmly accepted.

A record where the Status Code  is not like 'Z%' not like 'W%' and not like 'UF%' and the Decision/Response Code is like %F'
Insurance AcceptanceLive Offer which the Potential Student has subsequently accepted as an Insurance Choice.A record where the Status Code  is not like 'Z%' not like 'W%' and not like 'UF%' and the Decision/Response Code is like %I'

Conditional Firm

Live Offer that is Conditional to which the Potential Student has responded with a Firm Acceptance.A record where the Status Code is not like 'Z%' not like 'W%' and not like 'UF%' and the Decision/Response Code is like %CF'

Unconditional Firm

Live Offer that is Unconditional to which the Potential Student has responded with a Firm Acceptance.A record where the Status Code is not like 'Z%' not like 'W%' and not like 'UF%' and the Decision/Response Code is like %UF'
Conditional InsuranceLive Offer that is Conditional to which the Potential Student has responded with an Insurance Acceptance.A record where the Status Code is not like 'Z%' not like 'W%' and not like 'UF%' and the Decision/Response Code is like %CI'
Unconditional InsuranceLive Offer that is Unconditional to which the Potential Student has responded with an Insurance Acceptance.A record where the Status Code is not like 'Z%' not like 'W%' and not like 'UF%' and the Decision/Response Code is like %UI'
Conditional Decline

An Application that has resulted in the Potential Student being made a Conditional offer for a Programme at the University of York which they have now Declined.

Where Potential Students in receipt of a Conditional offer subsequently firmly accept an Unconditional offer for another Programme, either at York or another institution, this is considered equivalent to a Conditional Decline.

A record where the Status Code is not like 'Z%' and not like 'W%' and the Decision/Response Code is like %CD' and additionally as a record where Status Code is not like 'Z%' and like 'UF%' and the Decision/Response Code is like '%CF' or like '%CI' or like '%C'
Unconditional Decline

An Application that has resulted in the Potential Student being made a Unconditional offer for a Programme at the University of York which they have now Declined.

Where Potential Students in receipt of a Unconditional offer subsequently firmly accept an Unconditional offer for another Programme, either at York or another institution, this is considered equivalent to a Unconditional Decline.

A record where the Status Code is not like 'Z%' and not like 'W%' and the Decision/Response Code is like %UD' and additionally as a record where Status Code is not like 'Z%' and like 'UF%' and the Decision/Response Code is like '%UF' or like '%UI' or like '%U'

Rejected Without Offer

An Application that has not been Withdrawn by the Potential Student, and which the University has rejected without making an offer.A record where the Status Code  is not like 'Z%' and not like 'W%' and the Decision/Response Code is like %R%' and not like '%C%'
Rejected After Offer

An Application that has not been Withdrawn by the Potential Student, and which the University has rejected after having previously made an offer.

A record where the Status Code  is not like 'Z%' and not like 'W%' and the Decision/Response Code is like %R%' and like '%C%'

Initial Offer TypeThe type (Conditional or Unconditional) of the first Offer to be made in respect of an Application (i.e. irrespective of prior rejections and subsequent changes to the offer type).n/a
Initial Response TypeThe type (Insurance, Firm, or Declined) of the first Response made by the Applicant in respect of an Offer  (i.e. irrespective to subsequent changes to the response type).n/a
Firm Proportion of Conditional Offers

All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Conditional and the Initial Response Type was Firm at a specific date


All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Conditional 


Insurance Proportion of Conditional Offers

All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Conditional and the Initial Response Type was Insurance at a specific date


All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Conditional 


Decline Proportion of Conditional Offers

All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Conditional and the Initial Response Type was Declined at a specific date


All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Conditional 


No Response Proportion of Conditional Offers

All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Conditional and the Initial Response Type is Null* at a specific date


All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Conditional 


*i.e. the applicant has not made any response to the offer.

Firm Proportion of Unconditional Offers

All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Unconditional and the Initial Response Type was Firm at a specific date


All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Unconditional


Insurance Proportion of Unconditional Offers

All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Unconditional and the Initial Response Type was Insurance at a specific date


All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Unconditional


Decline Proportion of Unconditional Offers

All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Unconditional and the Initial Response Type was Declined at a specific date


All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Unconditional


No Response Proportion of Unconditional Offers

All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Unconditional and the Initial Response Type is Null* at a specific date


All Offers where the Initial Offer Type was Unconditional


*i.e. the applicant has not made any response to the offer.


Recent changes to definitions

Following a review, some marginal changes to the some metric category definitions (e.g. 'Applications', 'Withdrawn') were agreed between SRA and BIU. 
These changes, documented below, make the definitions more consistent and easy to understand. They also enforce mutually exclusivity for some metrics (e.g. on any given date an application can be withdrawn, or rejected, or declined - but not be two or more of these at the same time).  The changes have been applied retrospectively to completed cycles in addition to the current application cycle, allowing direct comparison between cycles.

These definitions changes, although relatively minor, do intentionally alter historic reporting, and therefore caution should be taken when comparing the currently published data with any previously downloaded data sets that were compiled using the old definitions. 

For the avoidance of doubt, the newly updated data set (and definitions) should always be used in preference to previous extracts.


Change to the Definition


The old definition of application excluded anyone who had a status of RPL (Replaced) the new definition does not exclude these students. As the majority of the other fields in the Applications data set (e.g. Offers) is based on the application population this will have a knock-on affect on most other fields.

Conditional Declines

The definition of conditional decline has been expanded to include those applicants who had a conditional decision / response (C, CF or CI) and who had chosen to go to another institution, as well as those with a CD decision/response.

In addition the definition of Declined students has been changed such that a student who is both withdrawn and declined only counts as withdrawn (i.e. these are now mutually exclusive and withdrawn take precedence).

Unconditional Declines

The definition of unconditional decline has been expanded to include those applicants who had a unconditional decision / response (U, UF orUI) and who had chosen to go to another institution, as well as those with a UD decision/response.

In addition the definition of Declined students has been changed such that a student who is both withdrawn and declined only counts as withdrawn (i.e. these are now mutually exclusive and withdrawn take precedence).

Decision Pending

The definition of decision pending has been broadened slightly with the only stipulation now being that the applicant must have a status like A and a null IDRC code.


The definition of rejections has been changed to include those students who have accepted a different course at York (previously they would have been excluded). 

In addition the definition of Rejected students has been changed such that a student who is both withdrawn and rejected only counts as withdrawn (i.e. these are now mutually exclusive and withdrawn take precedence).



Change Log

7 Oct 2019 - major version release 2.0

Key changes:

  • Minor updates to definitions (see details above)


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