Common Acronyms

Common Acronyms

Please find a list of common acronyms and their definitions outlined below. These acronyms are used by SIA, Planning, and across the HE sector. If we have any missing acronyms please feel free to let us know at business-intelligence@york.ac.uk. 

AARAnnual Accountability Return (HEFCE)
ABCAskham Bryan College
AGRAudit Grant Report (ITT providers need to submit audited accounts to the Teaching Agency on an annual basis)
AHRCArts & Humanities Research Council
AHSSBLArts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Law departments
APCLAccreditation of Prior Certified Learning
APELAccreditation of Prior Experiential Learning
AP(E)LAccreditation of Prior (Experiential) LearningCollective term for APCL and APEL

Application Programming Interface

APLAccreditation of Prior LearningUsed as collective term for APCL & APEL, or as a synonym for APCL.
AAPSGAccess Agreement Preparation Sub-GroupYork
ARCAcademic Registrars Council
ARMAAssociation of Research Managers and Administrators
ASOAcademic Support OfficeYork
ASSURFSSG annual sustainability assurance report
AUAAssociation of University Administrators
BAMEBlack, Asian and Minority Ethnic (also BME, BEM and other variations)
BBSRCBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
BGPBlock Grant Partnership (AHRC funding framework for PhD studentships)
BEIS(Department for) Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
BIUBusiness Intelligence UnitYork
BMSGBetter Management Steering GroupYork
BoSBoard of Studies
BOSBristol Online Survey
BSGBusiness Systems Group (former)York
BUFDGBritish Universities Finance Directors Group
BUILABritish Universities' International Liaison Association
CAHRCentre for Applied Human RightsYork
CASConfirmation of Acceptance for Studies (relates to Tier 4 / UKBA Visa)
CASECouncil for the Advancement and Support for Education
CBoSChair of Board of Studies
CELTCentre for English Language TeachingYork
CERIFCommon European Research Information Format
CHECentre for Health EconomicsYork
CHyMCentre for Hyperpolarisation in Magnetic ResonanceYork
CIICentre for Immunology and InfectionYork
CIRCCollaborative International Research CentreYork
CLCFCentre for Low Carbon Futures
CMLCentre for Medieval Literature
CMSCentre for Medieval StudiesYork
CModSCentre for Modern StudiesYork
CNAPCentre for Novel Agricultural ProductsYork
CORDISCommunity Research and Development Information Service (EU)
CRBCriminal Records Bureau (now DBS)
CROSCareer Researcher Online SurveyYork
CRDCentre for Reviews and DisseminationYork
CRACCareers Research & Advisory Centre
CREMSCentre for Renaissance and Early Modern StudiesYork
CRISCurrent Research Information System (or Caravan Registration and Identification Scheme)
CSRComprehensive Spending Review
CUCCommittee of University Chairs
CWSCentre for Women's StudiesYork
CYCCity of York Council
DADirectly Allocated (research funding)
DARODevelopment and Alumni Relations OfficeYork
DBSDisclosure and Barring Service (formerly CRB)
DDSData Dissemination System (DDS) (HESA)
DEFRADepartment for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DIDirectly Incurred (research funding)
DLHEDestination of Leavers in Higher Education (6 month, longtitudinal 40 month?)
DMTDepartmental Management Team
DoHSDepartment of Health SciencesYork
DPAData Protection Act
DRCDepartmental Research CommitteeYork
DSADisabled Students' Allowance
DTCDoctoral Training Centre
DTLLSDTLLS - Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
DTPDoctoral Training Partnership
DVCDeputy Vice-Chancellor
DWSDigital Work Space
EBITDAEarnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (financial term)
ECEuropean Commission

European Economic Area (EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and

EPSRCEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
ESGEnterprise Systems Group (formed from BSG+WSG) (out of use as of 2021; see Digital Services instead)York
ESSGEnterprise Systems Steering Group
ESRCEconomic and Social Research Council
ELQEquivalent or Lower Qualification
ERCEuropean Research Council
EUEuropean Union
e-ValMRC Online Survey (now ResearchFish)
FDFoundation Degree
FACTS(subject)-Full Average Costs of Teaching a Student
fECFull Economic Costing (related to TRAC)
FASGFaculty Admin Support GroupYork
FBFaculty BoardYork
FEGFaculty Executive GroupYork
FLTGFaculty Learning and Teaching GroupYork
FRGFaculty Research GroupYork
FTSGFaculty Technical Support GroupYork
FOI(A)Freedom of Information Act
FPEFull Person Equivalent (HESA)
FRAMForecasting Routes, Admissions and Modules (UoY Project)
FSRFinance Statistics Return (HESA)
FSSGFinancial Sustainability Strategy Group (HEFCE)
FSTFee Status Code (HEFCE) (identifies whether a students pays Home or Overseas fees)
FTEFull-Time Equivalent
GRUPGlobal Research University Profiles
GTAGraduate Teaching Assistant
GTPGraduate Teacher Programme (Teaching Agency)
GtRGateway to Research
GTTRGraduate Teacher Training Registry
HCSHESA Course (HCS) records
HEARHigher Education Achievement Record
HEBCI(S)Higher Education Business and Community Interaction (Survey)
HEBRGHigher Education Better Regulation Group
HEBSSHigher Education Bursary and Scholarship Scheme
HECoSHigher Education Classification of Subjects (successor to JACS)
HEDIIPHigher Education Data & Information Improvement Programme
HEFCEHigher Education Funding Council for England
HEFCWHigher Education Funding Council for Wales
HEIDIHigher Education Information Database for Institutions
HEIFHigher Education Innovation Fund
HELOAHigher Education Liaison Officers Association
HESAHigher Education Statistics Agency
HESA IRISHESA's Information Reporting Interface Service
HESA (US)Higher Education Strategy Associates (US publication, disambiguation)
HESESHigher Education Students Early Statistics (Survey) run by HEFCE
HESPAHigher Education Strategic Planners Association
HoDHead of Department
HMSHESA Module Subject
HRCHumanities Research Centre
HSCIDepartment of Health SciencesYork; DoHS is preferable
HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol
HTTPSHyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
HYHigher York
ICARSInternational CASE Alumni Relations Survey  
IDCInter-Departmental CentreYork (e.g. Women's Studies, Medieval Studies)
IEEInstitute for Effective EducationYork
IELTSInternational English Language Testing System
INSETIn-service training (for teachers)
IPCInternational Pathways College
ITSOIT Support OfficeYork
ITTInitial Teacher Training
JACSJoint Academic Coding System (version 2, version 3)
Je-SJoint Electronic Submissions (Research Councils)
JISC / JiscJisc / Joint Information Systems Committee
KCLKing's College London
KISKey Information Sets
KPIKey Performance Indicator
KTPKnowledge Transfer Partnership
LELearning Environment (TEF)
LFALanguages for AllLFA
LOALeave of absence
LPNLow Participation Neighbourhood
LTPLong Term Planning
MBBSBachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
MDSMedical and Dental Survey
MOAMode of Attendance
MRAOMarketing, Recruitment, Admissions, and OutreachYork
MRBPMarketing and Recruitment Business Partner
MRCMedical Research Council
MTPMedium Term Planning
NARICNational Academic Recognition Information Centre (for the UK)
NCTLNational College for Teaching and Leadership
NERCNatural Environment Research Council
NIHRNational Institute for Health Research
NMSNew Modular SchemeYork
NPTFNon-Publicly Funded Teaching (TRAC)
NSPNational Scholarship Programme (HEFCE)
NSSNational Student Survey
NUMSNew University Modularisation SchemeYork
ODBCOpen DataBase Connectivity
OFFAOffice for Fair Access
OFSTEDOffice for Standards in Education
OfSOffice for Students
OPMLOPML (Outline Processor Markup Language)
OPPAOffice of Philanthropic Partnerships and AlumniYork
ORCIDOpen Researcher and Contributor ID
OTTPOverseas Trained Teacher Programme (Teaching Agency)
PANICShort Term Planning
PEPSchool of Politics, Economics and PhilosophyYork
pFACTProject Financial, Accounting and Costing Tool
PFTPublicly Funded Teaching (TRAC)
PGCEPostgraduate Certificate of Education
PGRPostgraduate Research


Postgraduate Taught
PGWTPostgraduates Who Teach
PhDDoctor of Philosophy
PIPerformance Indicator (National Statistics)
PIPrincipal Investigator (Research)
PISGPerformance Indicators Steering Group (HEFCE)
PITGPerformance Indicators Technical Group (HEFCE)
PRDUPost-war Reconstruction and Development UnitYork
PRESPostgraduate Research Experience Survey
PSRBProfessional or Statutory Regulatory Bodies
PSSProfessional Support Services
PTESPostgraduate Taught Experience Survey
PTEPearson Test(s) of English
PVCPro Vice-Chancellor
QASQuick Applicant Setup (SITS)York
QCDAQualifications and Curriculum Development Agency
QR (HEFCE)HEFCE Quality-Related Research Grant
QSSQuick Student Setup (SITS)York
QTSQualified Teacher Status
RAResearch Associate
RAEResearch Assessment Exercise (old)
RCResearch Council
RCUKResearch Councils UK
REFResearch Excellence Framework
RGCResearch Grants and ContractsYork
RMASResearch Management and Administration System
ROCEReturn On Capital Employed
ROSResearch Outcomes System
RPGRegulatory Partnership GroupHEFCE
RSATResearch Student Administration TeamYork
RSPResearch Strategy and PolicyYork
RTPRegistered Teacher Programme (Teaching Agency)
SATSUScience and Technology Studies UnitYork
SCONULSociety of College, National and University Libraries
SCAStanding Committee on AssessmentYork
SCCSpecial Cases CommitteeYork
SCPStrategic Change ProgrammeYork
SDMIStudent Data and Management InformationYork
SEI-YStockholm Environment Institute at YorkYork
SESStudent Enquiry Screen
SETScience, Engineering & Technology
SFCScottish Funding Council
SFEStudent Finance England
SFSStudent Financial Support (formerly SFSU)York
SHAStrategic Health Authority
SIGSpecial Interest Group
SIVSStrategically Important and Vulnerable Subjects
SKESubject Knowledge Enhancement (AGR for TA)
SLCStudent Loans Company
SMESubject Matter Expert
SMGSenior Management Group York (historic)
SNCStudent Number Control (HEFCE)
SOStudent Outcomes and Learning Gain (TEF)
SPASupporting Professionalism in Admissions
SPRUSocial Policy Research UnitYork
SPSWSocial Policy and Social WorkYork
SPSSchool of Social and Political ScienceYork
SRAStudent Recruitment and AdmissionsYork
SSCShared Services Centre (RCUK)
SSDTStudent Systems Development TeamYork
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
SSRStaff-Student Ratio

File provided by UCAS to HEIs at the end of the application cycle (once examination results have been confirmed; usually mid-to-late November).

Containing demographic data about York's accepted applicants.


File provided on request by UCAS to HEIs at the end of the application cycle (once examination results have been confirmed; usually mid-to-late November).

Containing demographic data about all York's applicants (i.e., for both received applications and placed applicants).

STFCScience and Technology Facilities Council
STEMScience, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
STEMMScience, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine
T (HEFCE)HEFCE Teaching Grant
TATeaching Agency (now National College for Teaching and Leadership)
TATransactional Analysis
TELTechnology Enhanced Learning
TDATeaching Development Agency (then TA, now NCTL)
TDETableau Data Extract
TDSTableau Data Connection
TEFTeaching Excellence Framework
TFTITheatre, Film, Television, and Interactive MediaYork
THE/THESTimes Higher Education (Supplement)
TLAThree Letter Acronym
TLDR (TL;DR)Too Long; Didn't Read
TNETransnational Education
TOEFLTOEFL (formerly Test Of English as a Foreign Language)
TQTeaching Quality (TEF)
TRACTRansparent Approach to Costing
TTMETargeting Tracking Monitoring and Evaluation
TYMSThe York Management SchoolYork
TWBTableau WorkBook
TWBXTableau WorkBook with eXtract (Packaged workbook)
UATUser Acceptance Testing


Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
UCISAUniversities and Colleges Information Systems Association
UCLUniversity College London
UEBUniversity Executive BoardYork
UKBAUK Border Agency (Former)
UKCISAUK Council for International Student Affairs
UKPRNThe UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) is an identification number assigned to providers who register with the UKRLP.
UKRLPUK Register of Learning Providers


UK Research Office
UKVIUK Visas and Immigration
UPPUniversities Partnerships Programme
UoAUnit of Assessment
UoYThe University of York
URCUniversity Research Committee
UTCUniversity Teaching Committee
UUKUniversities UK
VCIFVice-Chancellor's Initiative Fund
VLEVirtual Learning Environment
YC / YCLYork College
YCCSAYork Centre for Complex Systems AnalysisYork
YESIYork Environmental Sustainability InstituteYork
YHECYork Health Economics Consortium
YIMYork Interdisciplinary Modules
YNiCYork Neuroimaging CentreYork
YRDYork Research DatabaseYork
YSISYork Students In SchoolsYork
YSJYork St John
WPWidening Participation
WPSAWidening Participation Strategic Assessment (relates to OFFA)
WRoCAHWhite Rose College of the Arts & Humanities
WRROWhite Rose Research Online
WSGWeb Services Group (former)York
XMLeXtensible Markup Language

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