Statutory returns

Statutory returns

Please note that this is an overview of Statutory Returns conducted by the University. For more detailed explanations of exactly what they entail, please contact the relevant team.

Data return name

Collection Organisation

Further information and purpose of collection

Required from…

Sign-off required by…

Sign-off deadline

Release date

Team responsible

When is data for?

Data return name

Collection Organisation

Further information and purpose of collection

Required from…

Sign-off required by…

Sign-off deadline

Release date

Team responsible

When is data for?



A provider will need to submit information about courses that it will offer to its students. This helps prospective higher education students to make decisions about what and where to study.

All providers

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)

August as well as updates in the year



For next academic year

Initial Teacher Training (ITT)


Providers must register all new Initial Teacher Training (ITT) trainees with the Department for Education (DfE). Providers can register trainees by submitting data to the ITT collection which will then be sent to the DfE’s register trainee teachers (Register) service.

All providers with programmes leading to Qualified Teacher Status

Department for Education

October, plus update periods 3 times a year



Current academic year

Monitoring of specific recurrent funding allocations for for each academic year


A provider will need to provide information on its use funding allocations provided per academic year.

All providers

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)





Capital monitoring


This is used to provide assurance that the funding has been used for the purposes given, and evidence of the impact of the capital grant at individual providers.

All providers in receipt of OfS competitive capital funding in each financial year
All providers in receipt of competitive capital funding

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)

Interim report sign off: October
Annual report sign off: April




Annual fee information


A provider will need to submit information on the maximum fees that it wishes to charge
‘qualifying persons’ in connection with each ‘qualifying course’. The data is used to fulfil the duty in section 11 of HERA. Guidance on submission requirements will be published on the OfS website in the autumn.

Providers intending to charge fees above the basic fee level for next academic year

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)





Student (data futures) record (known as HESA student)


A provider will need to submit details of individual students and the courses they are studying.
The data collected underpins the OfS’s regulatory approach.

All excluding further education and sixth form colleges

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)




Previous academic year

Medical and Dental Students (MDS)


A provider with medicine or dentistry courses will need to submit data relating to the intake of medical and dental students. Only providers with medicine or dentistry courses will be asked to submit this return; a nil return will not be required from other providers.
The data is used to monitor medical and dental recruitment.
Guidance on submission requirements will be published on the OfS website in the autumn.

All with medicine or dentistry courses
(University of York is required to submit this)

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)




Current student snapshot, plus reconciliation against previous years HESA student return

Graduate Outcomes Survey


A provider will need to engage with the Graduate Outcomes survey, including submitting and approving contact details for students who have completed their studies, who will then be surveyed by the DDB. For further education and sixth form colleges, initial contact details will be sourced from the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) but will still need checking. The graduate outcomes survey is used to understand student progression and outcomes, including to inform student choice.

All providers

Once the Student (data futures) record has been signed off by the accountable officer, the ability to approve these contact details will become available on the
system. The provider will need to approve these contact details by pressing the approval button on the system.

November (Cohort A)
February (Cohort B)
May (Cohort C)
August (Cohort D)



x4 cohorts a year based on student end dates. Students added 1.5 years after graduate

Staff record


A provider will need to submit demographic and contract information for academic staff it employs and its governors. The data is used by the OfS and by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Department for Education, to understand the makeup of the academic and research workforce.

All excluding further education and sixth form colleges

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)





Aggregate offshore record


A provider will need to submit information about the number of students studying overseas who are either registered with it or studying towards its awards.
The data is used to understand the nature and extent of providers’ offshore activity and for general monitoring purposes.

All excluding further education and sixth form colleges

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)




Previous academic year

National Student Survey (NSS)

Contractor (Ipsos Mori)

A provider will need to submit contact details for students who are on the target list. The data will be collected by contractors working on behalf of the OfS and other stakeholders. NSS data is used to inform student choice, as part of the Teaching Excellence Framework, and for general monitoring purposes.

All providers

Not applicable




UG students in their final year in current year

Prevent accountability and data return


A provider will need to submit a set of declarations confirming that it has continued to show due regard to the Prevent duty. It will also need to submit data on key areas of the Prevent duty: welfare, events and external speakers, and training.
These are used to provide assurance that providers continue to demonstrate due regard to the Prevent duty.

All providers that have received both a detailed assessment outcome and Prevent review meeting outcome by 1 August 2023.
Excluding further education and sixth form colleges

Governing body or an individual who has received delegated authority from the governing body





Higher Education Students Early Statistics (HESES)


A provider will need to submit data on the number of higher education students studying in the current year on census date 1st December as well as a forecast for the rest of the year. The data is used to inform funding allocations. Updated guidance on submission requirements will be published on the OfS website in the autumn.

All providers

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)




Snapshot on 1st Dec and forecast of rest of Acacdemic year

TRAC (Transparent approach to costing)


A provider will need to submit a Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC) return that has been reviewed and approved as set out in guidance.
The data is used to understand the application of costs across activity, including cross subsidies in higher education. It is also used by UKRI and other public funders for funding purposes.

Only providers that were required to submit a TRAC return in previous year

(University of York is required to submit this)

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)



Finance with support from SIA

Previous academic year

Higher Education – Business and Community Interaction survey


A provider will need to submit details of the volume and direction of interactions between the provider, business and the wider community. The data is used by UKRI to allocate Higher Education Innovation Fund funding and to generate metrics for the Knowledge Exchange Framework.

All excluding further education and sixth form colleges

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)





Provider Profile


A provider will need to submit information about the location of its campuses and its internal organisation. This data allows the OfS and others to understand the geographic distribution of higher education.

All excluding further education and sixth form colleges

Accountable Officer (Vice Chancellor)





Individualised Learner Record (ILR)

Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)

A provider will need to submit details of individual students and the courses they are studying for Degree Apprentieceship students. The data collected underpins the OfS’s regulatory approach.

University of York is required to submit this

Aligned with

Monthly. Twice in January





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