Catering for Departmental Events (on campus)

Catering for Departmental Events (on campus)

Below is an update from the Student Services Team to clarify support for catering small scale events  e.g.  providing pizzas, snacks or sandwiches.

Changes to catering as part of the new expenses policy

In organising catering we now have to adhere to the new UOY expenses policy which specifies that we can only use internal suppliers to cater for our events on campus. Ordering via internal suppliers has he added benefit of making the orders simpler to process for the administration and finance teams, giving us more time to support you with aspects such as collating dietary requirements, organising payment, and liaising directly with the caterers on your behalf. Working with a team that is familiar with our building locations, spaces and specific needs as a university also helps us to bring events together with ease. 

The Campus Kitchen Menu has a wide range of options including delicious pizzas, breakfast meeting options, cakes, working buffets, street food, as well as an extensive beverage menu. If you are planning an event, do take the time to have a browse and see what is on offer. 

Information we need to organise catering

For events aimed at students, please contact Rachel Vonderdell environment@york.ac.uk

For events aimed at staff, please contact Annabel Jackson environment-pa@york.ac.uk 

For support, you will need to contact us at least 2 weeks before your event (ideally as soon as the event planning begins). For catering from Campus Kitchen, we would be grateful if you could pull together the following information for us:

  • Name of event 
  • Contact during the event (name, phone and email)
  • Number of attendees
  • List of attendee names or group information (so that we can collate any dietary requirements for you)
  • Date of event
  • Location of event (building and room number)
  • Time you want the catering delivered
  • End time of event
  • Food/drink order including quantities 
  • Workorder to charge to (and confirmation of approval from budget holder)

For any packaged snacks that can be purchased from a supermarket, please simply email us with the order description and link to the item on the supermarket's website, and we can arrange to purchase this via credit card and have it delivered to the Environment building.

Please note that if we don’t receive the requests two weeks in advance we might not be able to guarantee support for your event so it would be really helpful for you to plan ahead so that we can give you the best support possible.

Please consider this guidance to making events inclusive and accessible when organising your events.