Book a room

Book a room

Bookable rooms in the Environment Building

Click the links below for information on accessibility and equipment in each of the rooms. See column to the right for instructions on how to book. 

Ground Floor

ENV001 - Environment Foyer 

ENV005 - Environment Lecture Theatre (capacity 80)

ENV008 - Teaching Lab (capacity 64)

ENV031 - Boardroom (capacity 12)

ENV032 - Small Meeting Room (capacity 2)

First Floor

ENV101 - Heartspace Communal Area

ENV105X - Seminar Room (capacity 40)

ENV106 - Meeting Room (capacity 13)

ENV132 - Nic Carslaw's office (single office - space for 2 person meeting)

ENV143 - Claire Hughes's office (single office - space for 2 person meeting)

Third Floor

ENV/314 - Rob Marchant's office (single office - space for 2 person meeting)

ENV/320 - Lisa Emberson's office (single office - space for 2 person meeting)

To book the small meeting room (ENV/032) or any volunteered offices (ENV/132, 143, 314 or 320)

  1. Go to the office booking sheet, and click on either the ENV/032 tab or the Office Booking Tab.
  2. Find the right date, check if it's available and put your name in the slot you would like to book it for.

To book ENV Foyer or ENV Heartspace

  1. Email Dave Hay (dave.hay@york.ac.uk) and cc in the Room Bookings team (roombookings@york.ac.uk) with the details of your booking request.
  2. Dave will confirm if the space is free at your chosen time, and Room Bookings will then send you an email confirmation of the booking.

If you have any issues or need to make any amendments, please email Dave Hay (dave.hay@york.ac.uk) and the Room Bookings team (roombookings@york.ac.uk).

To book any other room (including Boardroom ENV031 as of Sep 2024)

  1. Go to the room bookings Planon page.
  2. Click 'Make a new booking'.
  3. Enter your booking details, then select 'Search - then select a room and click Continue'.
  4. Look at the room options. You can click 'More info' to see details and photos. You can also use the campus map to see where a building/room is.
  5. Select your chosen room, and click 'Continue'.

If you have any issues or need to make any amendments, please email roombookings@york.ac.uk.

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