Zoom guidance (Inclusive Communication)
Zoom guidance (Inclusive Communication)
Making Zoom inclusive and accessible
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of our meetings have switched to being held on Zoom. This has taken some accustomisation, and it is important that we continue to make the meetings as accessible and inclusive as possible. Here are some tips on how to do this:
- We now start our departmental meetings five minutes later and end them five minutes earlier to allow for a screen break before and after meetings. This is something you can introduce to your own meetings too.
- Make sure that you are signed into Zoom properly (see the guidance below) to allow your name to visible to other participants.
- If you would like to, you can add your pronouns to your Zoom profile. As always, remember to respect other people's pronouns.
- Sharing your camera is optional on Zoom. On one hand, it can be off-putting to someone speaking to a screen full of names with no faces, but on the other hand, some people find it easier to interact without the distraction of having their camera switched on. Be respectful of other people's preferences on this.
- If you are not actively speaking, remember to mute your microphone to avoid distracting background sound, particularly in a large group. You can also use the 'hand up' reaction to indicate when you want to speak.
- Speaking up on Zoom can often be harder than at an in-person meeting. The facilitator/host/leader of the meeting should be aware of this and encourage participation when necessary.
- Consider recording the meeting if there are people who are unable to attend and will want to listen later, or to make the meeting accessible to participants afterwards.
- Keep meetings within 10am - 4pm (and avoiding lunchtime) wherever possible, and respect the participants' working hours.
- Make sure captioning is enabled for your meeting.
- If your meeting is hybrid, you can book the Owl webcam equipment to facilitate this.
Zoom Guidance
Giving scheduling privilege for Zoom
Scroll to the bottom of the Zoom settings page. Add the email address of the person you would like to have scheduling privilege to ‘Assign scheduling privilege to…’
Google Calendar integration
- Make sure you install Zoom for GSuite. You can find more information about Zoom plus tutorials on the website: IT Services - Zoom.
- Download the Chrome extension. You should see the Zoom symbol on the top right hand corner of your screen (you may have to click on the add-on's jigsaw symbol to add it to your toolbar).
Setting up Zoom meetings for different people
- Make sure to complete all the guidance on this page, including asking the person/people you will be scheduling for to give you scheduling privilege.
- Click the Zoom icon at the top of your screen.
- Click the settings button.
- Choose who you are scheduling the meeting for. (Note: for those you do not have access to, use your own Zoom link, go to your upcoming Zoom meetings, edit the specific meeting, and add the relevant person as an alternative host.
- Make a meeting in Google calendar. Press ‘Make it a Zoom Meeting’. The Zoom information will appear in the description box - double check it is the right name (i.e. “Roland Gehrels is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.”)
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