Advanced Modules 2020-21

Advanced Modules 2020-21

These are the Advanced Modules for the academic year 2020-21.

BSc students take two modules each term, one module from each cluster. Please click on the blue links to access the information about each of the modules.

Year 3 MSci students take one module per term, which may come from either cluster.  Please click on the blue links to access the information about each of the modules.

Year 4 MSci students take one module per term, which may come from either cluster. Please click on the red links to access the information about each of the modules.

Cluster A - MondayCluster B - Thursday

Biological Basis of Developmental Disorders (Emma Hayiou-Thomas/Lisa Henderson)

Biological Basis of Developmental Disorders (Emma Hayiou-Thomas/Lisa Henderson)

Preference and Choice: the Role of Perception, Action and Memory (Steve Tipper)

Preference and Choice: the Role of Perception, Action and Memory (Steve Tipper)

Bilingualism & Cognition (Angela de Bruin)

Bilingualism & Cognition (Angela de Bruin)

The Neurobiology of Depression (David Pitcher)

The Neurobiology of Depression (David Pitcher)

Numerical Cognition (Silke Goebel)

Numerical Cognition (Silke Goebel)

Face Perception (Mike Burton)

Face Perception (Mike Burton)

The Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention (Karla Evans)

The Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention (Karla Evans)

The Cognitive Psychology of Sleep (Gareth Gaskell)

The Cognitive Psychology of Sleep (Gareth Gaskell)

Mind and Brain (Philip Quinlan)

Mind and Brain (Philip Quinlan)

The Psychology of Will (Rob Jenkins)

The Psychology of Will (Rob Jenkins)

Applications of Forensic Psychology (Paul Summers)

Applications of Forensic Psychology (Paul Summers)

Neuroimaging of Vision (Tim Andrews)

Neuroimaging of Vision (Tim Andrews)

BSc only**: Advanced Research Methods (Dan Baker)


Year 4 MSci Clinical & Developmental Pathways only: Child & Adolescent Mental Health

(Melanie Forster)

Will likely be taught on a Tuesday or Wednesday.

Clinical Psychology and Applications of CBT*

(Liz Anderson, Toni Jenkinson & Jo Jordan)  

Clinical Psychology and Applications of CBT*

(Liz Anderson, Toni Jenkinson & Jo Jordan)  

* Clinical modules are capped at 60 places and have a separate application process.  Only students in Year 3 can apply for the Clinical modules.

** MSci students take a compulsory version of this module in the summer term of Year 3

Cluster A - MondayCluster B - Thursday

Animal Cognition and Communication (Katie Slocombe)

Animal Cognition and Communication (Katie Slocombe)

Body Representations (Catherine Preston)

Body Representations (Catherine Preston)

Social Cognitive Development (Harriet Over)

Social Cognitive Development (Harriet Over)

The Transition to Parenthood (Liz Meins)

The Transition to Parenthood (Liz Meins)

Perception of Actions and Human Behaviour (Nick Barraclough)

Perception of Actions and Human Behaviour (Nick Barraclough)

Memory and the Brain (Aidan Horner)

Memory and the Brain (Aidan Horner)

Drug Addiction (Gavin Phillips)

Drug Addiction (Gavin Phillips) 

Psychology of Behavioural Change (Bailey House)

Psychology of Behavioural Change (Bailey House)

Social Interaction (Cade McCall)

Social Interaction (Cade McCall)

Cyberpsychology (Sally Quinn)

Cyberpsychology (Sally Quinn)

Applications of Forensic Psychology (Paul Summers)

Applications of Forensic Psychology (Paul Summers)

Language & Thought (Asifa Majid)

Language & Thought (Asifa Majid)

The Neurobiology of Depression (David Pitcher)

The Neurobiology of Depression (David Pitcher)

Forensic Psychology in Practice (Paul Summers)

Forensic Psychology in Practice (Paul Summers)

Will be taught on a Tuesday.

Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology*

(Jo Jordan, Toni Jenkinson & Liz Anderson)

Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology*

(Jo Jordan, Toni Jenkinson & Liz Anderson)

Year 4 MSci Clinical Pathway only: Advanced Clinical Placement

(Jo Jordan, Toni Jenkinson & Liz Anderson)

* Clinical modules are capped at 60 places and have a separate application process.  Only students in Year 3 can apply for the Clinical modules.

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