LinkedIn Guide

LinkedIn Guide


Year 3 to 4



Photograph creates a professional impression. Smart clothing, clear picture, no other people obviously cropped out, not overly dressed up or ‘selfie’ photos.



Headline customised to include core interest areas, key skills and/or currently seeking x role e.g. Final year Biological Science student seeking graduate R & D role



Aim for 50 connections including for example class mates, work colleagues, previous or prospective employers, alumni etc.



Between 150 and 350 words of keyword rich text targeted towards role of interest. A first person outline of your career goals and interests, key relevant experience and achievements.


Experience and/or Volunteering

Relevant paid and unpaid experiences including job title and employer/volunteer organisation. Descriptions given for each role with a focus on achievements and outcomes, using active verbs (demonstrated, created, delivered, initiated, etc.) and quantified where possible e.g. Taught English to 20 primary school students / Raised £500 for charity through charity walk. Experience can include part time work, summer internships, roles of responsibility in university e.g. class rep, student society treasurer



At least 8 skills listed. These could be experimental skills  e.g. statistical and data handling skills, programming skills  in to 'transferrable' skills e.g. Presentation skills, leadership, problem solving, team work: try and match skills presented to the skills you think future employers are looking for in your chosen career area



Aim to be a member of at least 5 groups relevant to your discipline or university e.g. alumni group, professional organisations or interest groups; some level of engagement in the group discourse.



List course title, full name of college/university (verify automatic hyperlink to university's homepage on LinkedIn). Should list all modules, grades year on year.


Follow companies

You should ideally be following at least five companies of interest


Personalised url

Ensure you have personalised LinkedIn url with full name


Spelling and grammar

It is important to ensure your text is error-free throughout. Write in word ideally and then cut and paste in. Spell check it!


Rich Media

Where relevant, you can upload images or files to illustrate summary/experience/projects. This could be a useful way to get yourself noticed by potential employers.


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