Test Library

Test Library

The Department houses a test library containing psychometric tests for you to access.  

Test Availability

Unfortunately, owing to the cost of Tests, the Department has a limited stock and multiple copies are only available of a few tests. It is therefore important for you to plan well ahead if you wish to use a psychometric test, particularly if you think we may need to order test forms.
It is not possible for us to loan tests to individuals external to the Psychology Department.

Finding and Booking a Test - Library catalogue

You can browse the contents of the test library using the following link: Psychology Test Library Bookings 

This link should take you straight to the Test Library Catalog, but if not:

  • Once you have logged in, make sure to scroll to the top of the page.
  • In the middle, near the top of the page is a white box with a down arrow on the right-hand side (it also has a little calendar symbol to the right of the box)

The white box drop down menu to access the different psychology catalogues.

  • If it says ‘Test Library’ in this box, you’re in the right place.  If not, just click the down arrow on the right-hand side of the box and scroll through the options until you find the ‘Test Library’.  

Once you are logged in and in the right place, you can use the on-line system to see what tests we have, check availability and request a test and/or record forms. Natasha Jaglowska (main reception) will receive any requests and then contact you to arrange for you to pick up the test/s.  Your signature will be required on receipt of the test and when you return it.   

It is sometimes necessary to recall a test; we hope you will respect such requests when they are made.

Ordering New Tests

If you would like to submit a request for a new test to be purchased, then you can consult Amanda Hickey (amanda.hickey@york.ac.uk) who will try to assist you.

Journal Published tests

Tests published in journals will normally be copyrighted. If you intend to use questionnaires or other response forms which will be seen by the general public you should ensure that they are used in their instructed format and clearly and neatly reproduced. If you plan to adapt materials then permission must be sought, and can be a lengthy process.

Terms and Conditions

The tests in the test library are very expensive (i.e., often costing hundreds of pounds) and must be treated with extreme care.  The test library is also a system that can easily go awry which can potentially lead to valuable tests going missing.  Because of this we have certain terms and conditions so we can keep the library organised with as many tests available to you as possible. 

  1. Please book your test through the above system and wait for Emily or Natalie to email you to arrange a collection - we need to do this so we can keep track of where all of the tests are.  Please do not collect the test yourself from the test library. 
  2. We expect you to return the test as it was issued to you.
  3. Please do not pass on or loan a test to another colleague while you have it on loan from the test library.  Please return the test so your colleague can book it out.  
  4. You must sign the test in and out yourself. 

List of Surveys and Public Domain Tests

To complement our test library we’ve also collated a list of surveys along with tests in the public domain:

List of Surveys and Public Domain Tests

This is a working document, so if you have any resources you would like to add/suggest please just email Amanda (amanda.hickey@york.ac.uk).  

Helpful note:  The survey list was curated by Angela De Bruin, listing surveys which students have used and received ethics approval for in their final year projects.  Angela will periodically update this list, but we also welcome suggestions for surveys outside of this process.    

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