York Memory Games (YORMEGA) Privacy Policy

York Memory Games (YORMEGA) Privacy Policy

21st October 2019

The Psychology Department has the following page which explains how data is collected and stored in accordance with GDPR:


Players of the YORMEGA games are issued with a personal ID number, which will be saved together with their data. We will not ask for their name or any information that would make it possible for us to contact them. Before they give their consent, players are given the following information about what we will save (this is copied directly from the app):

1)      Your personal ID number (which we will issue to you).

2)      Your responses and scores on the memory games.

3)      Your year of birth. Providing your year of birth is optional, but doing so will enable us to use your data to support our research.

4)      Your rating of your ability to ignore distraction.

5)      Your answer to the question “Do you regularly play a memory game?”

6)      Your answer to the question “Would you regularly play a memory game if you thought it might improve your memory?”

7)      Your answer to the question “Do you play a musical instrument or sing, and make music regularly?”

8)      Your answer to the question “Do you regularly produce pieces of art?”

As explained to players of the games, “If you have any questions, or decide that you no longer wish to take part in the research, please contact yormega@york.ac.uk with your ID number and we will remove your data.

The information will be used for our academic research aimed at improving our understanding of memory.

The data will be shared with members of the project team, which includes project students and our collaborators (also academics).

We aim to publish our findings in academic journals, but will remove all information that links an individual’s data from their ID number.


In line with the University's Research Data Management Policy, “Research data that underpins published results or is considered to have long-term value should be retained”. Therefore the data will be retained indefinitely.

We may change this policy from time to time and if we do, we’ll post any changes on this page and on the app. If any changes are made, we will ask both existing users as well as new users to give their consent.

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