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0-93DP Tolerances and FitsTo a limited extent, it is possible to design for specific tolerances when 3D printing. This is particularly important when parts need to be inserted into others with high locational accuracy or an interference fit. This page is to record results of speci
AArduino Robotics Board DocumentationIMG_4859.jpg This board is a flexible platform with a variety of I/O for different applications and has been designed to be used either as a standalone platform or in conjunction with a Raspberry Pi. Included are: Socketed Arduino Nano 33 BLE Socketed Pol
Arduino Servo Harness (ASH) Board
The Arduino Servo Harness board is an Arduino-Nano based development board designed to interface with up to six servomotors. It can interact with the two GPIO control pins of the EVA robot arms in the P/T/410 laboratory through the standard M8 female tool
BBionic Knee Rig DocumentationHardware Electronics Safety System The power to the system is controlled from a safety box, which must never be bypassed or defeated in any way. BK safety box.png The box contains a 24V safety relay which controls a contactor in the main power supply unit
BLE Basics and the ArduinoBLE library
In this document you will find details on what BLE is and how it can be used in the context of the Arduino Robotics Board using the Arduino Nano 33 BLE and the ArduinoBLE library, although this information applies to any project using the Arduino Nano 33
BLE on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE using mbed
Although the ArduinoBLE library offers a quick way to get started with BLE on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE, you may wish to instead use the underlying mbed libraries. These give you more control over the hardware, and in particular allow you to set a higher tr
BLE using the Arduino Nano BLE 33
Budgets and Ordering for Group Robotics Project
As part of the summer Group Robotics Project you will be required to keep your parts and manufacturing costs within a budget. The budgets will be separate for parts and manufacturing. Funds cannot be transferred between the two. All requests will be revie
CCalculating the volume of parts in Autodesk InventorIn order to estimate the cost of a 3D printed part, you need to know it's volume. This can be found in Inventor using the following steps: In the left hand pane expand the “Solid Bodies” folder: Calculating Volume in Inventor.png Right Click on the solid
Connecting to the Raspberry Pi in RPRK
You can communicate with your robot either through serial or over a network connection. Serial is usually the most reliable form of communication, but it is slow and only allows access to the text terminal. Connecting using a network connection, either Wi
DDesign for Manufacture - 3D PrintingWhen designing a part or assembly of parts that will be manufactured it is important to take into account the capabilities of the manufacturing process for you part to be successful. This includes both taking advantage of a process' strengths, and designi
Design for Manufacture - Laser Cutting
When designing a part or assembly of parts that will be manufactured it is important to take into account the capabilities of the manufacturing process for you part to be successful. This includes both taking advantage of a process' strengths, and designi
Design for Manufacture - PCBs
Designing a PCB can be a complex process, especially for more intricate designs, so here is some guidance on how to get started. There are many PCB design packages available. We recommend KiCAD as it is one of the best of the freely available options. Par
EEVA "Armbot" and "Kinematics" Control ClassesFiles available at EVA Armbot Class || Google Drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dHPdsrQK0350wOvDHMbEWBr-9zQHf4iZ?usp=sharing. Simplified user control class. "Armbot" control class developed in Python for two Automata "Eva" robot arms, using Au
Eva Linear Rail Documentation
Theory of Operation The Eva Linear Rail combines an Automata Eva robot arm with a 2m linear rail to allow for a much larger combined work area. From the end user perspective all control is done through the Eva arm and it’s API, using a modified version of
FFab Lab Component Library0603 Resistors Full E24 series from 1Ω to 1M, 1% tolerance, 100mW rated. 0603 Ceramic Capacitors Full E12 series from 10pF to 1μF, 10% tolerance, 50v rated with the following exceptions: Capacitance Value Voltage Rating 270nF 16V 390nF 16V 560nF 16V 820nF
GGetting Started with Autodesk VaultAutodesk Vault is a versioning system for use with Autodesk products to allow multiple people in a team to work with the same CAD files more easily. Our Vault server is located at tssvault.its.york.ac.uk and is currently running Vault 2023. In order to us
HHole Tolerances for ManufacturingThis page details our recommended tolerances for metric nuts and bolts when designing for different types of manufacturing, in particular FDM 3D printing and laser cutting. The nominal values on the page are taken from the standards for metric sized screw
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MManufacturing Services and GuidelinesWe provide a variety of manufacturing services to both students and staff. These pages contain details about our services, requirements for accessing these services, associated costs, and some tips and tricks for helping you design for manufacture. For al
NNetwork Details and Credentials for the EVA Arms and Network CamerasIn order to connect to one of the EVA arms in the lab you need its IP address and the corresponding API token which is used for security. In your code please make sure you use the IP of the arm you are trying to use and its correct API token. You can chec
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PPC <-> Arduino Nano 33 BLE communications in P/T/410All of the PCs in P/T/410 have been equipped with Bluetooth 4.0 dongles for communicating with the Arduino Nano 33 BLEs. In an effort to get the best coverage of the room these adapters have all been placed high up with USB extension cables connecting the
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RRaspberry Pi Robotic Kit (RPRK) Assembly Guide for MSc IR 2023/24Kit Contents Some kits contain parts re-used from previous years kits and therefore may not be in original packaging, or may vary slightly from the images below. IMG_4860.JPG Arduino Robotics Board ("ARB") The ARB in an in-house designed board used in var
RC Override Specification
Theory of Operation IMG_4906.JPG The RC override system will be used to add a layer of safety to your craft in case of a failure in the autonomous system, or in certain hardware fail states. It will allow someone at the shore to override the autonomous sy
Robot Arena LED Control
This page details how to control the LEDs for the Robot Arena in P/T/410. The LEDs are run from an ESP32 which provides a web interface and API. It can only be accessed on the robotlab network. As of writing the IP address for the controller is 144.32.70.
RPRK "Turtlebot" Lab Sessions
University of York RPRK lab sessions for MSc Intelligent Robotics ELE00118M Practical Robotics (PRAR). Available for download in: RPRK TurtleBot Lab Sessions || Google Drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nI9a0XDqPes5cKa4SeYo00bkh68-PyOR?usp=driv
RPRK General Control Class
Available for download in: RPRK General Control Class || Google Drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1v3OXeShUTBetI7UJ_8hhVuqlr-YhsUzu?usp=sharing. Serial communication interface algorithm between Raspberry Pi 4 and Arduino Nano 33 BLE through UAR
SSpring Term & GRP Manufacturing GuidelineDesigning for Manufacture General Objects in CAD often look bigger than they really are. Use scale drawings or measured bits of paper or card to get a sense of the actual size. Always measure your motors/sensors/servos/fasteners that will be interacting w
Starter Kits Info
Your groups have been given two starter kits to help you start your project, a drone kit and a components kit. Please look after these parts, as replacements for lost or damaged parts may be charged to your budget. Drone Kit Your drone kits have been plac
TTeaching Lab Facilities for Student ProjectsAcross both Electronic Engineering and General Engineering we have a wide range of facilities on offer, both used in teaching and available for project work. This includes the 4th floor teaching labs, the Biocentre and the EMF. The technical staff are ava
TFTB Lab Briefing and Safety Information
This page contains important information for use of the TFTB Robot Lab https://www.york.ac.uk/robot-lab/ and should be read carefully in addition to attending one of the induction sessions. Once you have read this document there will be a Google Form link
TFTB Robot Lab Booking System
The TFTB Robot lab only has capacity for 3 teams at a time. This means that teams will need to book out slots in order to share the lab fairly. The first round of booking is done through the booking spreadsheet found here https://docs.google.com/spreadshe
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Welcome to the TSS Wiki. Here you will find documentation released by TSS for various projects we support. Recently Updated Popular Labels
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