TFTB Lab Briefing and Safety Information
This page contains important information for use of the TFTB Robot Lab and should be read carefully in addition to attending one of the induction sessions. Once you have read this document there will be a Google Form link at the bottom to sign that you have read and understood this document.
Welcome to the TFTB Lab. This lab is divided into three main sections: the Office, the Classroom, and the Test Area. Each area has specific functions and equipment to aid you in your project. For reference the "test area" is the large open area with the obstacle course, the "office" is the locked side room with the three unmanaged PCs, and is the primary workspace, and the "classroom" is the other side room with a curtain, and several managed PCs.
Access to the TFTB Robot Lab is via a KABA card reader. Tap your student card to the reader next to the front door and it should open automatically. If you are unable to gain access, please get in touch with one of the technicians.
Access to the office is also via a KABA reader, built into the handle of the lock. Tap your card then the handle will unlock. You may need to tap your card on the outside reader before it will work on the office door.
The office is located further forward and to the left after entering the TFTB lab and is enclosed by a card activated door. It should be used as the main project room, since it contains unmanaged Ubuntu computers that can be used to program and control the drones and robots.
Linux Machines: Pre-installed with packages essential for your project, such as Python, OpenCV, ROS (Robot Operating System), and other development tools.
Electronic Components: Available in the cupboards. These components include resistors, capacitors, wires, breadboards, microcontrollers, sensors, and more. Please check the labels on the cupboard doors and drawers for specifics.
The classroom is the first room to the right after entering the TFTB lab. It should mainly be used for document editing and for component storage and quick prototyping.
Computers: Standard Windows 10 machines. These are not managed by our team, so design software is not pre-installed. They can be used for:
Document creation and editing
Image and video editing
Creating PowerPoint presentations
Cupboards: Like the office, the cupboards contain various mechanical and electronic components and tools.
Test Area
This is the main testing area for your robots and for the drone. The drones should be flown only in this area, never in the office, classroom, or outside of the lab. The drones should never be taken out of the TFTB lab.
You are tasked with designing and manufacturing a mobile robot that finds and collects a teddy bear and returns it to the "hospital". The “hospital” will be marked on the floor with blue tape. Red tape will also be used to mark the areas that the robots are not allowed to trespass. The project involves two key components:
Programming a Drone: The drone must find the teddy bear, record its location, and send this data to the mobile robot.
Mobile Robot: The robot will navigate to the teddy bear’s location and retrieve it.
Assessment Timeline
Both presentations will be performed in the TFTB lab. We will provide a projector to showcase the presentations.
Tender Presentation (25 June): Early-stage presentation outlining your initial design and plan.
Final Presentation (27 August): Detailed presentation and showcase of your completed project.
Budget and Purchasing
All purchasing must be done through the RCOS Purchasing System:
Each group is allotted a £200 component budget and a £300 manufacturing budget.
All purchase requests must be processed through RCOS.
Each group will be assigned one of the lockers in the test area. Operation:
Setup your code: Open the door of the locker and press the red button inside, behind the door. After doing this, you can input your code followed by “A” or “B”.
To lock: Close the door and input your specified code followed by “A” or “B”, whichever was selected at setup. The latch will lock automatically after waiting a few seconds.
To unlock: Simply input your specified code. The door should unlock and open normally.
If you encounter any issues or have forgotten your pass-code, contact us for assistance.
The TFTB Robot Lab has a burglar alarm. system. You will need to unset the alarm system if you are the first person in, and then set it if you are the last person out. Please read the following instructions carefully before you use the lab. These instructions are also posted next to the alarm panel beside the door in the lab.
Your student 5-digit alarm code is: 52980
Make a note of this to keep with you and use this code to both unset and set the alarm system.
Alarm Setting
Enter the five digit code followed by the A button. Select the zone if applicable (Number 1-9).
The alarm panel will start beeping, please leave the building.
When the alarm panel stops beeping the alarm is set.
You can cancel the setting of the alarm by pressing the ESC button during the beeping countdown.
Alarm Deactivation
Enter the five digit alarm code followed by the ENT button.
The alarm panel will change the beep pattern and then stop.
The alarm is now unset.
Emergencies (life threatening) = 999
Emergencies (not life threatening) = 01904 32 3333 (mobile) or Extension 3333 (campus phone)
To Call Security = 01904 32 4444 (mobile) or Extension 4444 (campus phone).
If you have any problems with the alarm system, please just call security at extension 4444 and they will help you out or deactivate the alarm if it has gone off.
Health and Safety
Facility Usage: Follow all safety guidelines when using the lab. You must read and sign the lab safety and security form before using the facility.
Emergency Contacts: Emergency contact numbers are displayed throughout the lab. You should contact 999 for major emergencies, campus security for minor incidents or issues, and TSS for technical assistance.
Drone Safety:
The provided drones should only be flown in the test area of the Robot Lab. They should not be flown in either the office or the classroom.
Under no circumstances should the drones be removed from the Robot Lab or flown outside.
When either your ground robot or drone are in operation, there should be no persons within the test area. All observations should be made from either the office or classroom.
Limit the maximum flight height of the drone to below the gantry column height to avoid accidents.
The tools provided in the Robot Lab are suitable for making minor modifications only. These tools should not be removed from the Robot Lab.
Tools or equipment should not be moved between the TFTB Robot Lab and P/T/410. If you require different tools or equipment in the Robot Lab, please ask on of the technicians and we will try to accommodate, but many tasks are not possible in the TFTB Robot Lab due to Health and Safety concerns, such as soldering. If you require to perform any fabrication. use the 4th Floor Fab Lab in P/T/403 instead.
Do not bring your own tools to the Robot Lab to try and avoid the above two rules.
General Safety:
Do not climb on objects or attempt to reach items at height.
Do not touch or tamper with the gantry.
It is strongly recommended that you have the campus SafeZone app downloaded and setup before you start working in the TFTB Robot Lab.
There should always be at least two students in the lab. If you find yourself working alone, especially outside of standard university opening times you can use the campus SafeZone app to check in with security. It can also be used to contact security in an emergency.
Lab Access: The TFTB is available 24/7 for project work.
Lab Usage: The TFTB Robot Lab is primarily for the testing of your robots, all major construction should be done using the facilities at P/T/410. Therefore:
P/T/410: For designing and manufacturing mechanical and electronic components.
TFTB: Use this area for testing and coding of both the drone and mobile robots.
Equipment Respect:
Do not touch Film & TV equipment or other show equipment.
Do not remove any elements of the arena, including the teddy bear and obstacles.
Drones must remain within the lab.
Food and Drink: No food or drinks allowed inside the lab. Food and drink should not be consumed within the Robot Lab. If you bring food or drink to the lab it should stay in your bag and be consumed outside. There are also nearby campus outlets where you can purchase food and drink if necessary.
Security: The lab is always under camera surveillance for safety and security, and to ensure that all lab users follow the guidelines.
Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to ask. Good luck with your project!
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