Getting Started with Autodesk Vault

Getting Started with Autodesk Vault

Autodesk Vault is a versioning system for use with Autodesk products to allow multiple people in a team to work with the same CAD files more easily.

Our Vault server is located at tssvault.its.york.ac.uk and is currently running Vault 2023. In order to use Vault, you need to install the matching vault client version to the server, in this case Vault 2023. Each version of the client supports versions of Inventor from that year and two previous, i.e. Vault 2023 supports Inventor 2023, 2022 and 2021, although it is best to stay on the same version if possible.  You can obtain a copy of the Vault client through the Autodesk educational program. This should not be used for any commercial purposes.

If you require access to Vault and for any other support queries regarding Vault, please contact Jonathan Procter (jonathan.procter@york.ac.uk).

First Login Setup

Once you have received your login details and installed the Vault client, you will want to log in to Vault. When you open the Vault client you will be presented with this Log In dialog box. Authentication will be "Vault Account", User Name and Password will be your login details, Server should be tssvault.its.york.ac.uk and Vault should be the name of the vault you want to connect to. You can view a list of all the vaults by clicking the "..." button next to the text box. The vault called "Vault" is the default vault and is for TSS staff use only.

Login in to Vault should create a new directory on the root of your hard drive, at C:\ADesk\vaultname_workingfolder, where vaultname is the name of the vault you are connected to. This folder will be where all the local copies of files you are working on are stored. It is setup in this way to maintain consistency with multiple users.

Once you are logged into your vault you will need to navigate to the root of the vault using the pane on the left (Vault Explorer ($)) and download a copy of the project file for that vault by right clicking on the file and selecting "Get...". This will download a copy of the project file to the working folder. 

Once you have the project file downloaded you should set it as your active project when you want to use Vault.

Your design files should all be stored under the "Designs" folder, and all filenames need to be unique across each vault.

Changing your Password

Once you are logged in and have everything set up, you will probably want to change your password from the temporary password given to you, to something stronger. You can change your password by opening the Vault client, and going to "File" → "User Profile..." and then clicking on "Change Vault Account Password"