Departmental Research Committee
Annabel Jenkins
Laura Smith
Andy Poyer
DRC meets three times per year.
Scheduled meetings:
Monday 27 November 2023
Awaiting timetabling for future dates.
Director of Research (Chair):
Piran White
Head of Department:
Roland Gehrels
'Creating a climate resilient world' CARG Lead:
Rob Mills
'Creating sustainable and equitable food, energy and water systems' CARG Lead:
Gideon Baffoe
'Delivering clean, green environments' CARG Lead:
Darpan Das
'Securing a biodiverse planet' CARG Lead:
Laura Harrison & Oliver Wilson
'Stewarding transitions and transformations to sustainability' CARG Lead and Chair of Equality and Diversity Committee
Anika Haque
Director of Engagement and Partnerships:
Truzaar Dordi
Chair of Ethics Committee:
Colin McClean
Chair of PGR Studies:
Ed Garrett
REF Lead:
Mark Hodson
Stockholm Environment Institute - York (SEI-Y):
Chris West
ECR Representative(s):
Lluis Puig Gonzalez (E&G)
Joe Simpson (SEI-Y)
Technical Representative:
Matt Pickering
Pre-Award Team Leader:
Laura Smith
Pre-Award Grant Officer:
Ciaran Ogilvie
PGR Administrator:
Maroula Hill
Last update: 28/02/2023
The Departmental Research Committee (DRC) is responsible for maintaining an overview of research carried out in the Department by staff, research students, visiting or emeritus staff, associates, honorary or clinical contract holders, contractors and consultants, and for supporting the implementation and monitoring of the Departmental Research Strategy. Drawing on support from the relevant Faculty Research Group, it is responsible for implementing University research policy into departmental procedures and communicating this to staff, as set out below. Via the DRC Chair, the DRC feeds into the business of the relevant Faculty Research Group and into the business of Research Forum as appropriate.
Research Strategy and Culture
The Departmental Research Committee will:
- Develop and regularly review the Research Strategy of the Department, in conjunction with the Head of Department and Senior Management Team, ensuring relevant overlap with strategies in major research entities.
- Ensure that the departmental research strategy aligns with the University Research Strategy and appropriate University research themes.
- Develop and maintain a Departmental research income strategy to support the research strategy, and develop rolling, forward-projections of research income
- Develop and maintain a Departmental research publication strategy (in line with the institutional strategy).
- Promote the Research Culture of the Department by:
- Supporting a regular research seminar series, advocating attendance at these and encouraging them to be held at times when a wide range of staff can participate.
- Ensuring robust communication and dissemination methods for research documentation, announcements and information across the department.
- Sharing information about external research funding effectively.
- Encouraging applications for external funding, in line with requirements of peer review and demand management of Research Councils.
- Encouraging applications for internal funding, such as the Research Priming Fund.
- Strategic allocation of resources (pump priming, research leave, impact-related funding) in line with departmental research strategy, and ensuring transparency in the distribution of departmental funds for research through the use of clear written criteria.
- Promote the development of national and international links and collaborations, with both academic and non-academic organisations.
- Maintain good channels of communication between the Departmental Management Team, DRC and all members of staff, which includes ensuring that the Departmental Research Strategy is effectively communicated to all staff, and is freely available.
- Maintain and enhance research links with the Stockholm Environment Institute York to promote internal and external collaboration and information exchange around funding, project activities and impact.
Research Integrity
The Department Research Committee will ensure that frameworks are in place in the Department to enable the following, and take steps to make all staff aware of these:
- Research should be conducted in accordance with:
- Code of Practice on Research Integrity
- Code of Practice and Principles for Good Ethical Governance
- Research Misconduct Policy and Procedure
- Research should comply with any statutory regulations that may apply in their field of research (e.g. Home Office legislation)
- Staff should understand their own full responsibility for the fulfilment of Terms and Conditions associated with the grants they hold.
The DRC will liaise appropriately with the relevant Ethics Committee (a member of which will be on the DRC) and follow up any issues with the Head of Department as necessary.
Performance Expectations and Incentives
The DRC will :
- Ensure, along with the Head of Department, that there is suitable support and management of staff in relation to research
- Interpret and implement the University’s statement on research performance expectations in a manner suitable to the department, including developing and disseminating a written statement on expected performance norms
- Ensure the staff comply with University grant application processes and policies
- Put forward appropriate colleagues for prizes and awards when they arise.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Research
The DRC will:
- Ensure that research information is appropriately and accurately captured in PURE, and that this information is reported on locally. This should include ensuring appropriate PURE support and expertise is available, for example, an experienced PURE user in the Department.
- Develop and maintain appropriate procedures for monitoring the quality of research outputs.
- Develop and maintain appropriate procedures for peer review of research grant applications.
- Use data from the Management Information Gateway and other sources for benchmarking research performance of both outputs and grant applications/awards.
- Monitor departmental compliance with Open Access requirements, and ensure that all staff are aware of relevant requirements and issues.
- Monitor the outcomes of Departmental resource allocations (e.g. pump-priming funding or research leave)
- Ensure that the Department is prepared for external reporting requirements, including the development of a clear framework designating the roles and responsibilities of departmental staff in communication of such requirements.
- Prepare the Annual Departmental Research Review response for internal reporting to University Research Committee.
- Maintain awareness of, and act on, Equal Opportunities data in relation to research.
- Ensure that matters of concern are reported to the Head of Department, PVC (Research), or the Director of Research and Enterprise.
Staff Support and Mentoring
The DRC will:
- Ensure that mentoring expectations and responsibilities are clear to all staff, especially with reference to post-graduate researchers and ECRs
- Ensure that all staff are made aware of the training available on research matters
- Ensure that appropriate career guidance is provided for all staff
- Advise staff on their involvement with research-related activities beyond the University, with a view to enhancing the individual research profiles of staff members while ensuring their time on research is not compromised.
Research Impact, Knowledge Exchange, Partnerships and Engagement
The DRC will:
- Develop and maintain the departmental strategy for research impact and knowledge exchange with support from the faculties
- Foster a culture of research impact throughout the department, through encouragement of knowledge exchange activity, creating opportunities for staff to share good practice, disseminating specific impact or KE funding appropriately and supporting external engagement with potential research users and other co-creators of knowledge
- Be aware of and support emerging impact case studies
- Ensure the department is aware of UK-wide and national policy developments in this area, drawing on support from faculty and central teams
- Support a department-level system/use of PURE for the recording of impact and related activities
- Maintain an awareness of research impact and knowledge exchange activity in the department, including any associated income generation
- Respond to requests for data on research impact and knowledge exchange for internal and external reporting, eg KE Framework and KE Concordat
- Support submissions to national and international level assessments and initiatives.
Meetings will occur at least once per term. Meetings will be minuted, including agreed actions.
There must be a clear reporting line between the Department's Research Committee and the Departmental Management Team. The Committee does not report to the Head of Department via the Board of Studies. If the Department has other related committees or working groups, their relationship with the Committee should be defined.