General Information

General Information

Supermarket opening hours

Based on York opening hours

Tesco: 8am to 10pm

Tesco Express: 7am to 8pm

Sainsburys: 8am to 8pm

Sainsburys Local: 7am to 11pm

Asda: 8am to 10pm

Morrisons: 7am to 10pm

Marks and Spencer: 8am to 6.30pm

Lidl: 8am to 10pm

Aldi: 8am to 10pm

Further University of York Wiki Links

-Support for LGBTQ+ Staff

-Managing grief

-Personal Resilience

Black Lives Matter: University resources

University and Department of Health Science resources, links, and emails regarding the Black Lives Matter movement.

To view please click on the link within the file list on the left hand side of the screen.

Food Bank Donations

The Trussell Trust, find your local food bank:


Kitchen for Everyone York: https://kitchenforeveryoneyork.org

Morrisons have also started a 'Pick Up Pack' scheme where you can buy a pre-made pack of food or essentials that will go to a food bank or school.

Domestic Abuse Help

Independent Domestic Abuse Services: IDAS is the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting anyone experiencing or affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence.

North Yorkshire Helpline: 03000 110 110

Helpline: 0808 808 2241.

Live web chat @ https://www.idas.org.uk

Support services in Yorkshire

Although their doors may be shut many charities are still available at the end of the phone to help you:

York Carers Centre: Ensure unpaid carers throughout York have access to confidential information, advice and support.

01904 715490

The Haven: Offers out of hours mental health support to adults in York and Selby (6pm - 11pm). 07483 141310

Yorkshire and Humberside Samaritans: 116 123

York Mind: Provide services to support those recovering or suffering from mental health issues. Each city will have their own local branch, search online for your local branch. York Mind: 01904 643364