Tips for Working from Home

Tips for Working from Home

University of York: Tips for remote working
  1. Staying connected - Developing a virtual community can be as supportive as the real work community. Try regular check-ins, online buddies, scheduled calls or virtual coffee breaks help, and having your picture on social media profiles and using video calls.

  2. Plan your day well - scheduling in regular breaks away from the screen and be realistic with what you can achieve each day, particularly if you are balancing this with caring responsibilities.

  3. Agree clear expectations with your line manager - having a discussion early on with your line manager can clarify expectations around objectives, hours of work and how often you'll be in contact.

  4. Set ground rules for those you sharing space with

  5. Do simple workstation exercises - please see suggested link below for example workstation exercises for the wrists, neck, shoulders and body.

  6. Keep hydrated - drink plenty of water.

  7. Get out of the house for fresh air and sunshine throughout the day - you can go out for a walk as long as you stay two metres away from others.





Home Working Office Equipment

The UoY link to request a task chair and/or a desk for home working. Please note it may take up to 3 weeks for your furniture to be delivered. Please note that neither associates (visiting staff etc) nor taught or research students are included in this scheme. 


Creating, running and leading virtual events

Human Resources guidance

University of York HR guidance for working from home - provides guidance on:

Claim tax relief to cover working from home

You can claim tax relief to cover working from home since 23rd March, up to £125 a year. You only need to have worked from home for one day to claim for the year, and you can claim whether you've been working from home full or part-time.



Useful resources for remote working
VPN guidance

The VPN lets you access university and external services that are normally only available when on campus. These include:

  • Filestore
  • Restricted web apps - applications which normally require you to be on campus to use them, eg MyView
  • Terminal sessions - SSH sessions to machines on campus, and remote desktop sessions to Windows machines 
  • Licence servers - enables use of software that requires access to the University's licence servers 
  • External services that require the user to be at York such as journal website

Link to access the VPN: https://www.york.ac.uk/it-services/services/vpn/#tab-1

If you have issues connecting to the VPN contact IT support on phone: +44 (0)1904 323838 or email: itsupport@york.ac.uk