Tips for Working from Home
- Staying connected - Developing a virtual community can be as supportive as the real work community. Try regular check-ins, online buddies, scheduled calls or virtual coffee breaks help, and having your picture on social media profiles and using video calls.
- Plan your day well - scheduling in regular breaks away from the screen and be realistic with what you can achieve each day, particularly if you are balancing this with caring responsibilities.
- Agree clear expectations with your line manager - having a discussion early on with your line manager can clarify expectations around objectives, hours of work and how often you'll be in contact.
- Set ground rules for those you sharing space with
- Do simple workstation exercises - please see suggested link below for example workstation exercises for the wrists, neck, shoulders and body.
- Keep hydrated - drink plenty of water.
- Get out of the house for fresh air and sunshine throughout the day - you can go out for a walk as long as you stay two metres away from others.
The UoY link to request a task chair and/or a desk for home working. Please note it may take up to 3 weeks for your furniture to be delivered. Please note that neither associates (visiting staff etc) nor taught or research students are included in this scheme.
- "Leading virtual meetings" The Kings Fund.
- Online Engagement: A guide to creating and running virtual meetings and events
University of York HR guidance for working from home - provides guidance on:
- How to manage your work
- Working hours
- Availability and contact
- Security and data protection
- Equipment and expenses
- Health and safety
- Insurance
You can claim tax relief to cover working from home since 23rd March, up to £125 a year. You only need to have worked from home for one day to claim for the year, and you can claim whether you've been working from home full or part-time.
- Display Screen Equipment working from home advice:
- Coronavirus: Five ways to work well from home
- Coronavirus: How to be productive when working from home
- TED talks:
- "Playlist: How to get into a work-from-home mindset" - Linkedin Learning:
Time management working from home - "Why clocking my work hours shifted my work-life balance"
- "Improving your work-life balance"
- "Working from home because of COVID-19? Here are 10 ways to spend your time"
- "Managing your energy" The Kings Fund:
- "Leading through covid-19. The Kings Fund":
- "New to Working Remotely? These Resources Can Help" (LinkedIn):
The VPN lets you access university and external services that are normally only available when on campus. These include:
- Filestore
- Restricted web apps - applications which normally require you to be on campus to use them, eg MyView
- Terminal sessions - SSH sessions to machines on campus, and remote desktop sessions to Windows machines
- Licence servers - enables use of software that requires access to the University's licence servers
- External services that require the user to be at York such as journal website
Link to access the VPN:
If you have issues connecting to the VPN contact IT support on phone: +44 (0)1904 323838 or email: