Black Lives Matter: University resources

Black Lives Matter: University resources

Recording of Black Lives Matter Forum

Link to the presentations from the recent Department of Health Sciences' Black Lives Matter forum, offering an excellent account of how racism impacts on staff and students:


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University Equality Monitoring for Staff


The University is improving their support and understanding of our community through equality monitoring.

Founded on the principles of excellence, equality and opportunity for all, the University of York is committed to improving the experience and opportunities for all staff. To achieve this we must understand the identities and characteristics of all our staff. By updating your records and completing any missing information you will be helping the University build a true and more accurate picture of the diversity of our staff. Your personal data will be used anonymously to help us identify trends and highlight any significant differences between groups.

They have extended the equality monitoring information on your MyView page by adding sexual orientation, gender identity, religion and belief, marital status and caring responsibilities, along with including more detailed disability and ethnicity categories.

Vice Chancellor Charlie Jeffrey: Inclusive Community

University of York Inclusive Community statement: https://www.york.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/2020/inclusive-community/

Email from the Vice Chancellor on developing an inclusive community and the Black Lives Matter movement, including links to Staff Race Equality Network, the University's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy, and how to Report Harassment, Bullying and Hate Incidents against Staff: An inclusive community.eml

Department of Health Sciences: Black Lives Matter

Department of Health Sciences statement on Black Lives Matter: [ Dohs - Everyone ] Black Lives Matter.eml

Antiracism Resources for Epidemiologists & Public Health Researchers

Circulated amongst the Department by our own Camila Maturana, the list was compiled by Ariel Beccia, a PhD student at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

It contains numerous links to antiracism resources (mostly open access and by Black scholars) for epidemiologists and public health researchers, in topics including Methods, Data Science & Equity, Allyship in Epidemiological Research, and Subject Matter, among others.


University of York Library: Black Lives Matter Introductory Reading List


This reading list contains some suggested reading material on a range of topics related to Black Lives Matter. Explore the sections below for some inspiration. Check YorSearch for availability. Suggested reading material covers the following included topics:

  • Black Lives Matter and the Police
  • Influential voices: books by and about anti-racist and anti-colonial scholars and activists
  • Race, racism and white privilege
  • Slavery and it's legacies
  • Intersectionality and Identity