Contract Researchers Forum

Contract Researchers Forum

What is the Contract Researchers Forum?

The Contract Researchers Forum (CRF) is a researcher-led group, which works across the Department of Health Sciences (DoHS) to facilitate a supportive and collegiate environment. 

Expression of Interest for the Contract Researchers Forum

Expressions of interest for CRF membership are invited on an annual basis. Existing members are able to renew membership on an annual basis up to a maximum of 3 years.

Information on the forum and how to apply to become a member can be found here: [ Dohs - Everyone ] Expression of Interest_ New members of the Contract Researchers Forum.eml


What does the Contract Researchers Forum do?

The CRF supports implementation of the Concordat for the career development of researchers. Crucial to this is consultation with general members, and the sharing of feedback with the Concordat lead, Training, Development and Career Progression (TDCP) Committee, Departmental Management Team (DMT), Head of Research and other related operational groups.  

The CRF also creates, promotes and organises training, network and career development events for DoHS researchers and students both within and outside of the department.

The forum is made up of researchers and PhD students who represent each of the research groups within the department.  Members of the CRF canvas members’ views on matters relevant to DoHS researchers and students and communicate findings to relevant DoHS personnel, DoHS and UoY committees, where relevant. CRF members meet quarterly to organise and plan CRF activities; separate meetings, when required, are also held within the Training and Communications teams.