Expanding Bluetree
Expanding Bluetree
Currently, if the bit width of a Bluetree packet needs expanding, multiple ports all over the place all need updating. This is intended to be a good list of where the width of this port needs updating when expanded, since Jamie forgets at least one of these every time he adds something to it.
- The Bluetree2Axi component needs its .vhd files updating in order to reflect the new size (look for the ports that are around 190 and 170 ports wide!). This is the component which bridges bluetree onto the AXI bus for memory and peripherals.
- Remember to also update the .mpd file under data!
- Re-run setup_dir after this step to re-generate the Verilog code for the AXI bridge.
- Or just edit mkAxiConn.v if you really, really think it's a better idea. It's not.
- All XPS projects within the source tree that use AXI need to have their .mhs files edited to update the size of the new external port.
- After this step, it is recommended to delete all XPS generated files from the synthesis flow by picking "clean" from XPS, or starting XPS in non-window mode (run xps -nw proj.xmp) and executing "run clean".
- All Blueshell build folders (ml605_board, vc707_4x4 etc) need their .vhd files updating with the new port width, since these connect the Bluetree interface to the external bridge component.