COMSOL Multiphysics

COMSOL Multiphysics

COMSOL Multiphysics® (https://www.comsol.com/comsol-multiphysics) is a general-purpose software platform, based on advanced numerical methods, for modelling and simulating physics-based problems. With COMSOL Multiphysics, you will be able to account for coupled or multiphysics phenomena. With more than 30 add-on products to choose from, you can further expand the simulation platform with dedicated physics interfaces and tools for electrical, mechanical, fluid flow, and chemical applications. Additional interfacing products connect your COMSOL Multiphysics simulations with technical computing, CAD, and ECAD software.


You must first request access to use the COMSOL module by contacting itsupport@york.ac.uk. You will be asked to read this page and agree to adhere to the appointment booking system, including ending your session when the booking ends. You will then be added to the comsol-cal group and after this please use the link below to book an appointment.

Use of COMSOL Software & Licensing Restrictions

The COMSOL installation on the managed Linux servers available as the phys/COMSOL module should only be used to support the teaching and research activities at the University, and not for governmental, commercial or contractual work purposes. If you require clarification in regards to your (intended) usage of the software please do send an email to itsupport@york.ac.uk with "FAO COMSOL" somewhere in the subject field, along with any details of your intended work with the COMSOL software module.

Accessing COMSOL

COMSOL is only licensed to run on research1.york.ac.uk. You will require an X-session to use COMSOL, with the most reliable results using an X2Go client on your device to connect to the X2Go server on research1 ensuring the ‘Session type’ is set to LXDE. Details on how to access research1 and setup a session from a Linux, MAC or Windows desktop can be found here: https://wiki.york.ac.uk/x/2ogKDQ.

research0 vs research1

The above link provides detailed instructions and screenshots for accessing research0. These instructions apply for accessing research1 - just replace instances of research0 with research1 in e.g. the X2Go Session Preferences window.


Versions of COMSOL on research1

COMSOL Version

All previous versions have been removed on research1 in favour of COMSOL


Access to COMSOL is via the module system. This can be accessed via  the module load command via the terminal application on research1:

COMSOL example
$ module load COMSOL/ $ comsol

It is strongly recommended to login to research1 via an X2Go session - see the above "Accessing COMSOL" section for instructions.

Once you've loaded the COMSOL module, you can launch the COMSOL graphical interface by entering the comsol command in the same terminal.

Ignore the driver errors - it is because you are not running with a directly attached display. And as if by magic, the COMSOL GUI will appear.

User Access

It’s important that when your booked slot is over and you have finished with COMSOL you exit/close the program, this will free it up for the next user and booking.

COMSOL is licensed for one user per session on research1. If a user is using COMSOL, no other user will have access to the software, and other users starting COMSOL you will get an error from the license manager.

There is a soft booking system in place with an associated Google Calendar appointment system: 

COMSOL appointments  

Note that you will need to have requested access to the COMSOL module by contacting IT Support before you can access the COMSOL program on research1.


Please make appointments by clicking on the each available 1 hour slot you require and pressing the blue “Book” button. You should receive a confirmation email which will also allow you to cancel the booking if no longer needed. Only available slots are visible and bookings can be made up to 60 days in advance.


While exceeding your booked time will not automatically end your active COMSOL session on research1, be aware that at any time outside of your booked hours your active COMSOL session can be terminated. Please keep in mind the requirements of other users when exceeding your booked time. 

If you have a booking but COMSOL is still in use

COMSOL users on research1 now have a self-service utility to terminate other people's COMSOL program. Running the command comsol-kill-all will prompt for confirmation, before killing any running COMSOL, and email the admins. Please only use this if you have a session booked.

Administration Information

This information is intended for members of IT Support who wish to grant a user access to COMSOL on research1.

Users will need to be members of the "comsol-cal" managed unix group, which has group ownership of the COMSOL install. The NPA managing this group is "univ558" - use groupman to manage membership: https://www.york.ac.uk/it-services/facilities/account/groupman. This NPA also has ownership of the booking calendar and appointment system. Installing version 6.1 included the setup process downloading over 8G of data files with no output.