The servers
All these servers are large, shared servers with University Managed Desktop - Ubuntu LTS.
If you are a taught student you will only have access to the teaching servers.
Everyone else automatically has access to the research machines. Please reserve the teaching machines for undergraduates and teaching use only.
Baseline servers
All servers include easybuild modules to align more closely with Viking.
- research0 has 32 cores/64 threads and 512 GB of memory. It runs Ubuntu 22.04
- research1 has 32 cores/64 threads and 512 GB of memory. It runs Ubuntu 20.04
- teaching0 has 28 cores/56 threads and 384 GB of memory. It runs Ubuntu 22.04
Acceptable Use Policy
We try to avoid imposing restrictions so that we can make the most of the servers. However to ensure fairness we have some ground rules:
- Users must not deliberately impact others' work
- Only use one server at a time
- Do not exceed 50% of the cores or memory
- Monitor the usage of your own and others using top or similar. This can also kill processes - see help guide
- Do not run more copies, or for more time than required for your work.
If your job will run for more than a few days it may be faster to run it on our HPC: /wiki/spaces/RCS/pages/39159378
IT Services will restrict or terminate processes and user accounts if they are having an unreasonable impact on the service or other users.