Clinical Psychology (PG Careers)

Clinical Psychology (PG Careers)

If you are interested in a career in Clinical Psychology you should attend the talks provided by the Clinical team (see your timetable: usually November). In the meantime you can listen to a previous talk on the VLE Employability tutorial under Psychology Resources.


Gaining relevant work experience can be crucial for success in obtaining an Assistant Psychologist or Research Assistant post, the traditional routes for entry to clinical psychology training.  Try to gain a variety of experiences – think about the work that clinical psychologists are involved in, the types of problems they treat and the settings in which they work.
Your aim should be to gain experience which will help you to develop your communication and care skills with different client groups and gain exposure to different mental health problems. This should also help you to develop an understanding of the role of clinical psychologists and other professionals who work in mental health settings and help you decide if clinical psychology is really for you. It is not enough to simply complete placements – you need to reflect on what you have gained from them and the insights into Clinical Psychology they have provided you.

There are many York-based and nation-wide voluntary opportunities listed in the Clinical Psychology section of the webpage below, but do also search for your own.

Psychology Careers

You are encouraged to gain experience early on, but please make sure to balance carefully any volunteering with academic and social lives (you are unlikely to gain entry into a DClin course without good grades).

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