After Graduation - Clinical Psychology
After Graduation - Clinical Psychology
For students considering the standard DClin course, the following roles will put them in a good place to apply in a few years:
- Research assistant / PhD positions on clinically relevant topics / populations (see jobs.ac.uk; findaphd.com)
- Assistant Psychologist post (increasingly rare),
- Well-being practitioner (delivering CBT)
- Paid non-clinical job and continuing voluntary work relevant to clinical psychology
- MSc in Clinical Psychology or a related field, particularly if your UG grades are relatively poor and you need to show good academic performance
Assistant Psychologist vacancies and other related posts are advertised in the following:
- BPS website
- The NHS Jobs website
- The Guardian - sometimes carries relevant vacancies
- Times Higher Education Supplement and www.jobs.ac.uk for research posts
- Local newspaper websites – occasionally carry Assistant Psychologist vacancies but will also advertise Care Assistant and Support Work vacancies
Applications to clinical psychology training are made at www.leeds.ac.uk/chpccp
For further information and advice see the following books (both in the JB Morrell library):
- Clinical Psychology in Practice, Beinart, Kennedy, and Llewelyn, Blackwell, 2009.
- What is Clinical Psychology? Llewelyn and Murphy, OUP, 2014.
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