Academic/Research Career - PhD Onwards (PG Careers)
If you wish to pursue an academic or research career, there are a number of resources that you can use for information and advice.
A good place to start is the talk given early in the Autumn term about doing a PhD (see your timetable - usually W4 Autumn term) – if you miss this session it will be posted on the VLE Employability Tutorial under Psychology Resources. The talk provides useful information on e.g. what a PhD is, why you might apply for one, how to apply, how to sell yourself, how to apply for funding etc.
An academic CV is targeted slightly differently to a standard CV for other areas of work. You should attend the Academic CV Workshop (W8 Autumn term) for help crafting an effective academic CV for use with PhD applications and/or contacting potential supervisors,
This University website also has useful information when considering an academic or research career:
Remember to be competitive for a funded PhD place research experience is essential, so consider volunteering as an RA for a member of faculty whose research you find interesting. This also gives you the chance to get to know someone you might want to work with for your PhD. Try and identify the area of psychological research you find most interesting, browse the webpages to see which members of staff engage in that research ( and then email them or go and see them to see if they have any RA positions available.
Further information
More advice can be found on and you can use their search engine to look for prospective PhDs
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