After Graduation - Educational Psychology (PG Careers)
After Graduation - Educational Psychology (PG Careers)
There are a number of options for you after you graduate from your undergraduate programme:
- You can apply for a PGCE course (For Primary PGCE courses the deadline for applications is 1st December in the year prior to entry).
- Schools Direct/Teach First.
- Classroom Assistant, Learning Support Assistant or Learning Mentor (for classroom-based experience). These are usually advertised in local press and on local authority vacancy listings. The Times Education Supplement also advertises vacancies.
- Lord Treloar (and other special residential schools) offer 1 year posts for graduates who are planning careers in education and social care related roles to assist with learning support and residential activities. Sometimes these are advertised in newspapers such as the Guardian. You can also search for special schools on a dedicated website for speculative applications and advertised job vacancies.
Applications to Educational Psychology training are made here.
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