Environment & Geography Student Experiences Oversight Team (EGSEOT)
Environment & Geography Student Experiences Oversight Team (EGSEOT)
The Director for Students, Student Services Manager, Chair Exceptional Circumstances, Feedback Champion, Careers & Employability Academic lead, Industry Liaison Officer and Employability Assistant make up the newly formed Environment & Geography Student Experiences Oversight Team (EGSEOT). The team meets monthly to discuss and solve any issues that have come up in their respective areas of focus.
EGSEOT accountabilities:
Director for Students (DfS)
- Strategy for excellent transition, continuation and progression
- Student support including careers and study advice, welfare and disability
- Strategy for social and cultural integration
- Staff development in pastoral/ academic supervision
- Student voice strategy and staff-student partnerships
- Implementing University/ wider HE accesses, participation and inclusivity strategies
Chair Exceptional Circumstances
- ECA approvals
- Student Support Plans
- Departmental disabilities representative
Feedback Champion
- Approaches to obtain student feedback
- Liaising with student reps
- Communications with students regarding change
Careers & Employability Academic lead
- Embedding employability in curriculum
- Contributing to employability initiatives
- Communicating employability information to staff
Industry Liaison Officer
- External engagement
- Management of placement programmes
- Contributing to employability initiatives
- Communicating employability information to students
Employability Assistant
- Support for students with employability and placements
- Working closely with Industry Liaison Officer
Getting in touch with EGSEOT:
If you have any queries, the Student Services Team will be able to deal with most queries regarding student welfare/experiences, however if there are specific queries directed at the relevant member of the team, please do get in touch.