Sickness absence

The University is committed to promoting the health, safety and welfare of its staff: that commitment includes having in place procedures to offer support to those suffering sickness or ill health. This is to enable employees to maintain an acceptable level of attendance, so they can fulfil the conditions of their employment contract.

(warning) IF YOU ARE SICK

You are contractually obligated to inform your line manager of your sickness absence.

If you are emailing in, please CC Lucy at

  1. Inform your line manager that you are unable to come into work.*
  2. Explain the reason for your absence and when you expect to return to work.
  3. If your absence is for eight or more calendar days you must see a doctor to get a Statement of Fitness for Work (Fit Note) which you should send to
  4. Any absence further than the date of your Fit Note will require another Fit Note.
  5. Attend a return to work discussion with your line manager when you return to work.

* You should agree in advance with your LM their preference for reporting sickness i.e. phone call, email or text message


Please inform Lucy at of your employee's sickness absence asap.

You will need to hold a 'return to work' discussion (on this form) when they return from sick leave.

  1. If your employee hasn’t already done so, inform Lucy ( of your employee’s absence straight away, either by a sickness absence form or by email.
  2. Forward any Fit Notes and any updates/further information to Lucy.
  3. Agree with your employee when you will be in contact, especially for a longer term absence.
  4. Hold a return to work discussion when your employee returns.
  5. The discussion should be documented using the Return to Work form.
  6. Email completed form to and Line Manager to keep a copy on Employee file. 
  7. If there is a phased return to work, inform Lucy and keep her updated with any changes.