How to use the WAM

How to use the WAM


The WAM is designed to show, in a clear and transparent way, how work is allocated.

On each tab, staff are listed with a summary of their workload. This starts off in alphabetical order at the start of the process but due to limitations in Google Sheets formulae it doesn't always stay that way - sorry.

The FTE and Hours columns relate to that individual's nominal working hours.

Overall Hrs is the number of hours allocated in the plan. The Overall % column shows the percentage of an individuals' hours that are currently allocated, considering their FTE. Colour coding gives a quick view as to how fully allocated the individual is (blue is lowest, then green, amber, and red). An ideal workload plan would have all colleagues in amber.

 The columns then break down the workload for each individual. In this case, one colleague is allocated 26 hours and another colleague is allocated 6 hours for teaching on Dynamic Earth:

Staff Tab

This gives a simple overview for each staff member, with the information drawn from each tab:

Modules Tab

This provides data for each of the modules and is used to underpin the Teaching and Assessment tabs.

The # Students column draws upon a snapshot of information. This will be refreshed in the Autumn Term to reflect module choices and student enrolments. This and the # Assessments column are used to calculate the hours given for assessment.

Contact Hours and Field Course Hours are drawn from timetabling information.

Ready Reckoner / Stats

These are primarily used when building the WAM but give a quick indication of how an annual allowance translates into hours or days a week, and provides a summary overview of allocations within the WAM.

Teaching Tab

This provides allocations for staff members on each of the modules, excluding assessment.

The time allocations include:

  • Contact time
  • Non-contact time (i.e. the 2x multiplier for contact time is applied)
  • Field course hours
  • Convenorship hours

It does not include the additional multiplier for Covid online teaching - this is shown separately on the Misc tab as it's intended to be a one-off.

In the example above, clicking the cell with the 134 hours allocated to Kate on Ecological Principles will show the breakdown of the number in the formula bar: 40 hours for convening and 94 hours for teaching (47 contact hours):

Assessment Tab

This shows the allocation of workload for assessment for each module in a similar way:

These currently rely on the "old measure" of time allocated to assessments shown on the modules tab - i.e. 45 minutes per assessment per student on each module.

Admin Tab

This covers all administration, leadership and citizenship roles, including general allowances and administrative buyouts external to the Department:

In the example above, Katherine is allocated the roles of Library Representative and White Rose DTP BoS.

Research Tab

This covers both research and scholarship:

In this example, Jon and Mark receive the allowance of 400 hours as their standard research allowance for ART staff, and Claire receives 200 hours of scholarship time as a member of T&S staff. All receive credit for their research contract buy-outs.

Supervision/Misc Tab

This tab includes hours allocations for supervision of PhD, pastoral and supervision students.

PhD students are credited at 1 for the primary supervisor and 0.25 for the secondary supervisor (sorry, I missed an important point when I designed the spreadsheet so apologies that this is a bit confusing).

This sheet also includes credit for the Covid transition to online teaching, at a nominal 25% of the overall teaching allocation.

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