ReproducibiliTea - Reflecting on open research: how far have we come? (15 May 2024)
This informal but critical discussion was led by Postdoctoral Research Associates (and Open Research Advocates) Catia Ferreira De Oliveira and Emma Sullivan, and postgraduate researcher and Graduate Engagement Lead for Open Research Kirralise Hansford. They reflected on the prevalence of open research practices in Psychology and other disciplines, including recognition and recommendations for open science by UNESCO and a recent registered report survey of open research practices across the UK (Silverstein et al. 2024). Discussion followed about the development of an Open Research at York community of practice, and plans for further sessions like this.
ReproducibiliTea York is a journal club for discussing meta-science and methods led by ECRs from the Psychology Open Science Interest Group, but open to researchers from all disciplines. Their next workshop on theory building takes place on 12 June, 12-2pm in PS/A/202 (Psychology Building).
Materials available