Opening the past: opportunities for open research in archaeology and heritage (14 May 2024)

Opening the past: opportunities for open research in archaeology and heritage (14 May 2024)

Event poster for Opening the past - opportunities for open research in archaeology and heritage

This hybrid event was aimed at postgraduate and early career researchers based in departments and centres at King’s Manor. The event showcased PGR projects, introduced the Archaeology Data Service (ADS), and provided an opportunity for discussion and networking.

Ben Catt (Open Research Librarian) opened the session with an overview of Open Research at York, including the findings of a recent University-wide open research survey, community-building intiatives and where further support can be found. Melissa Kays (Graduate Engagement Lead for Open Research and postgraduate researcher) then presented two Open Research in Practice case studies from the Department of Archaeology.

Lucy Moore (postgraduate researcher, Open Research Advocate and UK Wikimedian of the Year 2022) presented her work within the Wikimedia movement, including contributions based on her PhD research on numismatics and her wider involvement in digital activism. She made a clear case for why archaeologists should care (more) about Wikimedia, with suggested approaches for those who wish to contribute their research to Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata. Alfie Lien-Talks (postgraduate researcher and former Digital Archivist at ADS) then presented his open research journey, exploring the challenges, benefits and principles of FAIR data. This included considerations around the FAIRness of bioarchaeology, drawing upon the results of a survey and identifying key issues in data management, reuse and deposition within his field.

The session concludedwith Dr Tim Evans (ADS Deputy Director) introducing the ADS, its role in enabling open research in archaeology, and opportunities for postgraduate researchers to make the most of their services and training.

Materials available

Recording of Lucy Moore's presentation
Recording of Lucy Moore’s presentation

Lucy’s work advocating for gender equity on Wikipedia was recently recognised with a York Open Research Award, which she plans to develop into a full case study later this year. Alfie’s open research journey was featured in Issue #3 of the Open Research Newsletter. Tim previously contributed to the White Rose Libraries event ’Open for discussion - embedding open research practice in the Arts and Humanities' (slides available).


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