Moving your data from Scratch (for previous YARCC users)

Moving your data from Scratch (for previous YARCC users)

You will have received an email about scratch, which is a filestore that has been in use for a number of years such as on YARCC (the old university cluster) and the research machines.  Scratch is soon to be decommissioned.   We need you do the following;

  • delete your unwanted data
  • move your data to Storage
  • move your data to Viking if you have an account (note scratch on Viking is not backed up)
  • move your data to Vault

If none of these options suit please email itsupport@york.ac.uk for assistance. 

Please note that this does not affect the scratch area on Viking, hence why is is OK to move your data to Viking.

Below we have created a guide that help explore these options

Where can I look at my data?

The majority of YARCC has now been decommissioned now including the login nodes  If you wish to look at your data it is best to login to one of the research machines (ssh research0 for example) and navigate to your folder.  If you are off campus you will need to use the VPN.  In depth login instructions can be found following this link. 

ssh abc123@research0.york.ac.uk
cd /shared/scratch/hpc/users/abc123

Your files can be found there. 

Moving data from scratch to Viking

Please follow this link which describes how to copy data to Viking whether you are a windows or Linux user. Please note that the storage on Viking is not backed up and is not mounted on other university machines.  If you are using the research machines consider moving your data to Storage, the University's shared filestore service

Moving Data to Storage

Storage is the University's shared filestore service.   Each department has its own filestore on Storage.  Contact your DCO if you need space on your department's filestore.

The easiest way to move data from Scratch to Storage is to use the University interactive Linux servers research0/1/2/3 and teaching0/1. 

Scratch can be found at: /shared/scratch/hpc/users/

Storage filestores are at: /shared/storage/

Moving Data to Vault

Vault is our cold storage facility which is useful for storing data that needs to be kept but is unlikely to be accessed again.  There is no charge for storing data in Vault but there may be a charge for retrieving data.  More information here: 
