Physnodes - Matlab on Cluster - Quick Tutorial

Physnodes - Matlab on Cluster - Quick Tutorial

Due to the limited amount of Matlab licenses available in University of York, it is recommended that you compile your Matlab files into standalone programs first, before running it on the cluster. However you can indeed run Matlab on the cluster without compiling your Matlab scripts. 

Compiling Matlab programs

Checking if your program can be compiled. 

First of all, you want to check if your Matlab program can indeed be compiled. 

Here is a list of ineligible toolboxes:


Here is a detailed list for the features that Matlab compiler supports:


If your Matlab scripts cannot be compiled, you have to run Matlab directly on the cluster. 

The actual compilation process

To compile at Matlab script, you have to do the following: 

mcc -R singleCompThread -m $FILENAME.m

The "-R singleCompThread" ensures that your program only uses a single processor slot. You don't have to put it in However please be aware that we cannot guarantee how many processor core Matlab Compiler Runtime plants to use, if Matlab decides to use more cores than allocated, your program will be terminated. 


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