How to calculate your Year 1 marks
Each of your module marks will be summarised on e:Vision as a 0-100 mark for each of the modules. Each year of the degree course counts as 120 'credits overall'. In Year 1 and Year 2, all modules are worth 20 credits so to calculate your average mark for the year, total your module marks and divide by 6.
To interpret your overall Year 1 mark, remember that grades on the University marking scale are usually considered to fall within five bands, corresponding to final degree classifications: 1st (70 and above), 2:1 (60 to 69), 2:2 (50 to 59), 3rd (40 to 49), Fail (0 to 39). Although Year 1 marks will not be used in calculating your degree class, using these grade bands will give you an idea of your overall standard of performance at this point.
To allow you to estimate your performance relative to other students, for the academic year 2012-2013 the mean overall Year 1 mark was 64, with SD 7 and range 45-80.
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