EPSRC Fellowships Webinar
EPSRC Fellowships are changing. Key characteristics of the new funding opportunity will include:
- Increased opportunities at early career stage onwards;
- Opportunity for applicants to focus on discovery science, innovation, instrumentation/technique development or software engineering or to include non-technical elements to create positive change in the research community
- Allows a high degree of freedom, flexibility and support for talented and ambitious researchers.
The new guidance document “EPSRC Post-doctoral and Open Fellowships Guidance” contains details of the assessment criteria and applications process so that applicants can work on their proposals in advance of the scheme formally opening for applications.
- Applications that are already under development can continue to be submitted under the existing scheme until 14 December 2020, should candidates wish to do so.
- Applications under the new scheme will also be accepted from 30 November 2020 onwards.
- Researchers that currently hold an EPSRC Fellowship will be not be affected
EPSRC are putting on four webinars about the upcoming the Fellowships scheme. Each webinar will be an hour long with the opportunity to ask questions. There will be two types; one for research office staff and one for potential applicants. Attendees are able to submit questions ahead of the event.
Research office staff can sign up here:
2pm 26 November - https://ukri.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5-VGBkjnQkiBSW72SUyJYg
10am 1 December - https://ukri.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xnQfKv0GRg2k1CqHO5q06g
Potential applicants can sign up here:
2pm 1 December - https://ukri.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qZeGIJylTme9zAQBQZwa1w
2pm 3 December - https://ukri.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BgXQXNbBRU-F2Sw9jUGA5w
If there are issues signing up to the webinar please contact: Events@epsrc.ukri.org
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We value your views and welcome feedback and suggestions - please email us at fellowships@york.ac.uk