Royal Society Newton/British Academy International Fellowships

Royal Society Newton/British Academy International Fellowships

Newton International Fellowships - Overview

The Royal Society and British Academy's International Fellowships schemes enable researchers to work for three years at a UK institution with the aim of fostering long-term international collaborations.

The scheme aims to attract the most promising early career postdoctoral researchers from overseas in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities. The Newton International Fellowships scheme is delivered by the British Academy, and the Royal Society.

Traditionally, the scheme typically opens in January, with a deadline in March.

For the 2023 call, the deadline was 28 March 2023.

Link to Funder Guidance

Please always refer to the funder guidance as the definitive source of information!

Royal Society Newton International Fellowships

British Academy International Fellowships

Changes to 2023 call

For the 2023 round, please note the following changes to the scheme, primarily aimed at enhancing the value of the awards:

  • These Fellowships will be funded at 80% fEC for Directly Incurred staff costs, Directly Allocated costs and Indirect costs
  • The length of the award will be 3 years, not 2
  • Successful Fellows will no longer be classified as visiting researchers on a stipend, but salaried employees.

These changes have been made on a pilot basis, and the terms of the 2024 call will be decided in late 2023.

Who to contact with questions about applying

Your Department's Research Support Office

University Fellowship Coordinator: Taryn Bell (fellowships@york.ac.uk)

Information for Chairs of DRC and Research Support Administrators

Sharing of information

  • There is no University-level selection process for this scheme, with departments taking the lead on reviewing candidates' suitability.
  • Please see the UoY Notes to support Departments and Candidates document for insights into the scheme. We're keen to share useful information, so please do add knowledge or information to the document that might be useful to other departments.

Opportunities for support

If you feel that the application would benefit from additional financial support, please see the guidance for applying to the Fellowship Coordination Committee

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We value your views and welcome feedback and suggestions - please email us at fellowships@york.ac.uk