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This page explains how to use the Application |
Summary tool, which contains daily updated data about Applications made to the University of York |
for the current, and previous, cycles. The Application Summary tool forms part of the Application Dashboard suite of Tableau workbooks. Both this workbook - and the underlying data set - have been redeveloped in 2019 for the new cycle (2020/21 entry year). Besides some cosmetic improvements, the workbook has changed little but some underlying data definitions have been adjusted with the result that previously reported figures may now be presented differently - and more accurately. Details of the changes made can be found below. |
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The Application Summary workbook contains data about applications, offers and acceptances for:
The workbook replaces a number of previously published workbooks and spreadsheets:
Work has begun on building a full data dictionary to:
- ensure consistent field names and values are used within and across Tableau Workbooks,
- provide clear definitions of each term used.
This guidance will be updated when the data dictionary is available.
Application Tracking - Guidance Notes
All workbook tabs (views) have a header at the top of the screen, and a set of filters down the right-hand side:
The header contains:
- view name,
- help icon.
- current filter values (displayed in orange)
The filter panel contains a number of options which determine or limit the data that is shown in the view. Changes made to filters:
- usually persist when you change to a different tab (where applicable)
- are shown in the header at the top of the screen
1. Applications Overview
This view contains three separate charts, comparing the current application cycle with the equivalent point in previous cycles.
Changing the filters (in the right panel) affects all three charts.
Left Panel | Top - Whole Cycle | Bottom - Last 2 Weeks |
The left panel compares the current number of applications, offers, live offers or UF acceptances (as selected in the filter panel) in the current cycle with:
This is shown as a colour-coded summary (with orange indicating departments where the current numbers are below the previous year(s). The right-hand part of this panel shows a time series graph for the last 2 weeks, giving a closer view of how the current year data is varying from the previous year and 3-year average. | The top panel (under the header) shows the number of applications, offers, live offers or UF acceptances (as selected in the filter panel) on each day since the start of the 2012/13 cycle. | The bottom panel shows the number of applications, offers, live offers or UF acceptances (as selected in the filter panel) on each day in the last two weeks. |
This view shows a breakdown of applications and offers by department and fee status (home / overseas), allowing the comparison of the current cycle with previous cycles.
This view shows a breakdown of undergraduate applications and offers.
Using the "Select View" option in the Filters pane, you can switch between the following views:
- Summary - Current Position
- Summary - Final Position (NB the current cycle will not be shown)
- Details - Current Position
This view shows a breakdown of postgraduate (taught and research students) applications and offers.
Using the "Select View" option in the Filters pane, you can switch between the following views:
- Summary - Current Position
- Summary - Final Position (NB the current cycle will not be shown)
- Details - Current Position
This view shows applications and offers broken down by the applicants' country of domicile.
The Target Market? filter defaults to 'Y' as, usually, the International Office (within Student Recruitment) are only interested in students from a specific set of target domiciles.
The Region data item facilitates the grouping and filtering of domiciles into regions, as defined by the International Office. Currently, only Target Market domiciles have been classified into regions; others appear as 'not classified'.
Using the "Select View" option in the Filters pane, you can switch between the following views which show either the current position or end-cycle position, broken down in the following ways:
- by Domicle (current)
- by Domicle, Dept (current)
- by Dept, Domicle (current)
- by Domicle (final)
- by Domicle, Dept (final)
- by Dept, Domicle (final)
This view replicates the 'Table' view in the old Application Overview workbook and shows full cycle data, from applications to entrants, by cycle, level, fee status and course/programme.
By changing the 'Show Additional Level' field you can switch between breaking down the data by Programme and by Course.
This view facilitates the comparison of applications, offers and acceptances, for the current year and previous years, by student characteristic (including WP characteristics):
- gender (M/F/O)
- age (mature?)
- ethnicity (BME?)
- socio-economic class (SEC 1-3 or 4-7?)
- home region (within for UK domicile students)
- low participation neighbourhood (LPN?)
- school type (state/other)
Changing the characteristic allows the direct comparison of the number and percentage of applicants attributable to each value within the selected characteristic.
To create a Custom View, please see this wiki page
21 Jan 2014 - version 3.10
Key changes:
09 Jan 2014 - version 3.6
Key changes:
- Reinstatement of Application Overview table
- Redesign to conform to BIU Design Standards and addition of help links
- Change of "arbitrary date" selector to static "final position" (end-cycle)
- Addition of links to guidance notes on BIU wiki
20 Nov 2014 - version 3.5
Key changes:
- Extra Domicile views (showing History).
- Enhanced sparklines and more readable "daily trend" data
- (Display of all programmes, even those with zero applications)
- (Breakdown of PG by Qual Aim and also separation by PGCE)
- (Addition of demographic breakdown tbc)
14 Nov 2014 - version 3.4
Key changes:
- Combined Domicile views to a single tab; updated sparklines view.
12 Nov 2014 - version 3.3
Key changes:
- Displayed Departments by Depts, IDC & Admission Entities throughout
- Added 'Distance Learning' option to Mode of Study
- Combined UG by progr summary (and detail) tabs and replicated for PG
- Various minor aesthetic changes
10 Nov 2014 - version 3.2
Key changes:
- Dashboard showing departmental sparklines (compared to 3 year average)
05 Nov 2014 - version 3.1
Key changes:
- Improved response time (loading tabs)
- Set default value for views to show position as of COB on previous day
03 Oct 2014 - version 2.10
Key changes:
- Fixed BOXI report replacement (different York route codes were appearing in the same UCAS code groupings)
- Split offers by C offers and U offers
- Separated withdrawals into withdrawals-pre-offer and withdrawals-post-offer
- Demographic information now available for all students (was previously unavailable from week 33 in 2013/4)
- Corrected data error noted in "By Department" tab where data was being aggregated for each day in application cycle rather than showing position a final day in date range selected.
- Added "AdmissionRoute" field/filter showing: "Main Cycle", "Clearing", "Adjustment", "RPA"
- Improved display filters and removed colour coding in By Department View
- Added Rejections (at outset / after offer conditions not met), declines and withdrawals to tabular views. Also added pending and the % difference
- Added a weekly dashboard for departments to use (this could potentially be published to a separate workbook so that departments would not view the other tabs)
- Added replica of DM's Boxi reports (sent to SMG)
10 Sep 2014 - version 2.0
Key changes:
1. Consolidated the following reports:
- Applicant Tracking (Tableau)
- Applicant Overview (Tableau)
- PG Applications & UG Applications (Business Objects)
- Additional reports used by DM to report to SMG
2. Correction of source data to "fill-in" gaps where snapshot did not take place
3. Separation of applications into: "standard" (current cycle), "deferred" and "in-cycle"
4. Addition of multiple filters/grouping options
23 January 2012 - First release
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This workbook has a separate tabs for UG, PGT, PGR and IPC programmes. Each tab works basically the same way, though some filter options may not be available in all tabs (e.g. "Clearing" is not applicable to PGR). Please note that the University of York handles admissions for English language pre sessionals and therefore these figures show on the UG and PG tabs. By default, the workbook shows the most recent application data, as at the current point in the application cycle. For previous cycles, comparable data is shown at the equivalent date. For example, on 8th October 2019, the most recent data for the 2020/21 cycle is the overnight position on 7th October 2019. The equivalent data for the 2019/20 and 2018/19 cycles is, respectively, the 7th October 2018 and 7th October 2017. Using the Date Selection options you can:
How to use the Data Filters and Display Options
Remember to check the text summary of the filters you have selected to ensure you have the data you require. |
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Detailed technical notes can be found here: /wiki/spaces/BIU/pages/27559786. If you do not have access to the internal BIU wiki pages, please contact to request a copy. |
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7 Oct 2019 - major version release 2.0 Key changes: