EPSRC CDT bid: Data Science for the physical sciences
Thanks for your interest in our EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Science for the Physical Sciences bid, jointly led by academics in the Department of Chemistry and the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology. We are currently working on the outline proposal, to be submitted via JE-S on Friday 3rd March. No letters of support of firm commitments from partners are required at this stage.
Current applicant team
Jon Agirre (Chemistry), David Jenkins (PE&T), NIck Zachariou (PE&T), Conor Rankine (Chemistry), Kevin (Kathryn) Cowtan (Chemistry), Mat Evans (Chemistry).
Application details
The focus are we are targeting is 'Meeting a user-need and/or supporting civic priorities'. This means that we would need to raise > 20% in match funding (actually targeting 40% to 50%) to demonstrate that there is a user need, should we be invited to submit a full proposal – EPSRC are going to invite a maximum of three times as many proposals as they can fund.
Projects and supervisors
A key requirement is to have a critical mass of supervisors with a proven track record of PhD student supervision. More than 25 academics from both Chemistry and PE&T have shown an interest in taking part, so we think we are well covered in that respect. If you know of someone who might be interested in contributing projects and supervising students, please ask them to get in touch with Jon Agirre: jon.agirre@york.ac.uk
The developing proposal (Google Docs – please leave comments)
Restrictions: 3 page max, 11pt font size.