The labs contain the following computer systems for stimulus presentation:
One Mac Pro with a 3D capable ViewPixx display. Currently runs Psychtoolbox (Matlab) and Psychopy (Python-based). The display has a parallel port for transmitting triggers (currently only Psychtoolbox compatible). Contact Daniel Baker for example scripts and advice on using this system.
One PC running Windows XP with a Samsung LCD display. Runs Eprime and Psychopy and triggers using a built in parallel port.
One PC running Windows. Runs Presentation and triggers using a built in parallel port.
One PC running the research interface that communicates with the AB-York Crescent of Sound (which is an array of nine loudspeakers and seven video screens). Triggers are controlled by a small trigger box. The current trigger system is set to correspond with the presentation of acoustical stimuli from the Crescent of Sound loudspeakers.
If you wish to use your own stimulus computer, this can probably be accommodated depending on space constraints. See also the page on Synchronising with the EEG system.